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[Resolved] Customizing Moghunter's Menu Script

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Please bear with me, I don't really know a lot about RGSS. :-X

The current menu I cooked up looks like this:
There are two things I want to do: First, I want the cursor of the choices to move a straight up and straight down direction, the default is diagonal to the lower left and lower right. Second, since I only want three party members as maximum, how do I position the actor information and faceset so that it is postioned correctly as to the way I have the menu set up now?

This is what the menu looks like in game:



Sorry for the lateness of this reply. ZOMG the code isn't tabbed for that section. I'll take a look at it for ya Ratty524.

MOG - Scene Menu: Window_MenuStatus2: refresh
Inside that for loop you'll see a line like the one below:
y = i * some_number # Play around with some_number till the faces are correct.

MOG - Scene Menu: Scene_Menu: update_command
Getting the cursor to go just up or down is easy as well. Inside update command is a case statement
    case @command_window.index
      when 0  
        @mnsel.y = 110
      when 1
        @mnsel.y = 155
      when 2
        @mnsel.y = 197
      when 3
        @mnsel.y = 242
      when 4
        @mnsel.y = 285
      when 5
        @mnsel.y = 325
That's what it should look like if you got it correct. I only removed the setting of @mnsel.x by deleting those lines.

Good luck with it Ratty524! :afro:
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