[01:20:09] <@Trickster> in module RPG class Actor
[01:20:24] <@Trickster> create a new method setup_extra_stats
[01:20:40] <@Trickster> in this method resize @parameters
[01:21:13] <@Trickster> run through levels 1 to 99 using a loop, and use a formula to set the stat for each level
[01:21:31] <@Trickster> setting @parameters[<x>, level] to the value returned
[01:21:39] <@Trickster> <x> is just the index
[01:21:56] <@Trickster> now In Scene_Title
[01:22:41] <@Trickster> alias the main method calling the old method first
[01:23:15] <@Trickster> and then run through $data_actors using a loop and call method setup_extra_slots for that RPG::Actor Object
[01:23:19] <@Trickster> and that's it
[01:23:35] <Dko> ok I think that will help a lot thanks
[01:24:10] <@Trickster> anytime

[01:24:48] <@Trickster> if you need an example (well almost) of what I just said take a look at my Stats that Level Up Script