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Requirement Scripts

Just to Clarify
I have seen a few and checked them but wasn't sure if they met what I needed so instead of repeat posting on each, I just did this post.
I wasn't sure about some other scripts as they depended on an implemented stats like strength etc whereas my requirement is a variable.
(ID 0002 for reference).

I would like a script where to use a skill you would have to either a certain 'type' of weapon equipped (ie a sword, axe, bow etc) to use or to have multiple types of weapon equipped (ie 2 swords (via a multi-equip script) or 1 sword and 1 axe etc)
For example:
Dual Slash requires 2 swords equipped.
Axe Smash requires an axe (in either R Arm (Normally Weapon Slot) or L Arm (Normally Shield Slot))

In my game I have a 'alignment' variable and I would like a script that would allow certain skills to be learnt by certain alignments. ie:
  • evil characters (alignment < 0)
  • good characters (alignment > 0)
  • neutral characters (alignment == 0)
Also they must have reached the desired level.
For example:
Holy requires a positive alignment.
Greater Holy requires a positive alignment over 30.

I may need a script to allow for 1 particular skill to act differently depending alignment when used. Ie a different element, animation, state infliction/removal and name.
For example:
True Strike - causes light damage if good alignment, dark if evil or no element if neutral.

A script that only allows certain weapons to be equipped by certain alignments. Ie good, evil, neutral.
For example:
Excaliber requires a positive alignment.
Pure Silver Sword requires a posivive alignment over 30.

I hope this is possible and i accept that it would require a wait if they don't already exist.

Thanks for any support!
It looks promising but I am not good at scripting so would it be possible for me to request those edits? or maybe you could tell me how to do i myself?
thanks for the script though it wll solve some of the problems.
Also is it possible to show a small message box when an item fails to be equipped with the reason why in it? for example if the weapon needs 20 alignment i says it does.
The next version will have a requirements window that will say the requirements and an error catcher on why you couldn't equip a weapon.

1) Should be able to do with current version
  # * Weapon Requirements
  #    Description : To Use A Skill, Item (In Battle) or Equipment, You
  #                  Must Have specific weapon equipped.
  #    Setup : Weapon = { object_id => weapon_id, ... }
2) Should be able to use current version
  # * Game Variable Requirements (ALL)
  #    Description : To Use A Skill, Item (In Battle) or Equipment, All
  #                  Variables Must Be Equal to, Less Than, Less Than or Equal
  #                  To, Greater Than, or Greater Than Or Equal A Value.
  #    Setup : Variable_All = {object_id => {variable_id => 
  #                            [n, '<operator>'], ... }, ... }
  # * Game Variable Requirements (One)
  #    Description : To Use A Skill, Item (In Battle) or Equipment, one
  #                  Variable Must Be Equal to, Less Than, Less Than or Equal
  #                  To, Greater Than, or Greater Than Or Equal A Value.
  #    Setup : Variable_All = {object_id => {variable_id => 
  #                            [n, '<operator>'], ... }, ... }
3) That isn't so much as of a requirement, but I love skill systems. I will throw one together soon.
4) Just use the variables as in number 2
Sorry. With the update of the SDK and dozens of scripts I want to release, it is taking some time. I have literally updated every script, and quite a few scripts got some overhauls. I am working on this new version great, since it will be the last for a while (time to work on starter kits and such).
O thanks, hey mr.seph, i cant use the req script, that not work... i follow all instrucctions.

i use this:

    module Weapons
      # * Requirements
      Actor          = {}
      Class          = {}
      Skill_All      = {}
      Skill_One      = {}
      Armor_All      = {}
      Armor_One      = {}
      Level          = {}
      Stat_All       = {001 => {'atk' => [100, '<==>']}}
      Stat_One       = {}
      State_Have_All = {}
      State_Have_One = {}
      State_Dont_All = {}
      State_Dont_One = {}
      Switch_All     = {}
      Switch_One     = {}
      Variable_All   = {}
      Variable_One   = {}
      # Leave This Constant Alone
      Weapon         = {}

i want: the weapon 001 ( i intent with 1 so), req a equal attk of 100, and i have an atk of 20 and i can use the weapon...what is my problem?????

can you make a writing example?
I'm having a similar problem:

# ** Skills

module Skills
# * Requirements
Actor = {}
Class = {}
Skill_All = {}
Skill_One = {}
Weapon = {}
Armor_All = {}
Armor_One = {}
Level = {}
Stat_All = {}
Stat_One = {}
State_Have_All = {}
State_Have_One = {}
State_Dont_All = {}
State_Dont_One = {}
Switch_All = {}
Switch_One = {}
Variable_All = {}
Variable_One = {
82 => {2 => [0, '>']},
83 => {2 => [0, '<']},
84 => {2 => [0, '==']}

The 3 skill (IDs 82, 83, 84) need to have either a positive alignment (var ID 2), a negative or a neutral (ie 0 alignment) yet even though I have a negative alignment (and I checked this by displaying the variable in game) I can still use the pos alignment skill.
Do I need to use any call scripts? for example either of these:

# * Can Use? Test
def self.can_use?(actor, object_id = 0)
# Return False If Skills Doesn't Exist
return false if $data_skills[object_id].nil?
# Return Test For All Requirements
return EIS_Requirements.can_use?(actor, object_id, self)
@mephisto: it should be this:

Stat_All       = {1 => {'atk' => [100, '<==>']}}

But what are you using <==> for? I believe you want to use '>='

@satan112: It isn't necessary to call anything. That is just syntax for scripters if they want to further this system.

I am seeing a few errors in my coding (as minor as they are). I will check over everything and see if I can't find anything wrong.
Thats quite strange then.
Any idea why it isn't stopping the skill being used.
If it is any help I amtrying to use the skill IN battle would it be a different case if it was from the menu?
Here's a few bugs in the system I see so far:
  # * Requirements Test : Stats One
  def self.has_one_stat?(actor, list = {})
    list.each do |stat_name, parameters|
      if eval "actor.#{stat_name} #{parameters[1]} #{parameters[0]}"
        return true 
    return true
Should be
  # * Requirements Test : Stats One
  def self.has_one_stat?(actor, list = {})
    list.each do |stat_name, parameters|
      if eval "actor.#{stat_name} #{parameters[1]} #{parameters[0]}"
        return true 
    return false

  # * Requirements Test : Variables One
  def self.one_variables?(list = {})
    list.each do |variable_id, parameters|
      if eval ("$game_variables[#{variable_id}] #{parameters[1]} " +
        return true 
    return true
Should be
  # * Requirements Test : Variables One
  def self.one_variables?(list = {})
    list.each do |variable_id, parameters|
      if eval ("$game_variables[#{variable_id}] #{parameters[1]} " +
        return true 
    return false

I think that's the problem.

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