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Request topic for features in YGO: Egyptian Dreams

Because a certain ghoul kept prodding me, I've decided to make an official topic asking for these features:

Special Scripts for Egyptian Dreams":1i04x9vp said:

Note: These features may never come; I am not a scripter by any stretch of the imagination, and would have to rely on someone else to do these.

1.) Bakura's Rage - Based off of Millenia from Grandia II and similar to a limit break; every time Bakura is hit, his rage meter fills. Once it's filled entirely, he would automatically perform a special ability that he normally wouldn't be able to do, and then randomly attack or perform skills every round for a set number of turns or until the end of the battle. Afterwards, the rage meter would empty and control of him would be returned to the player until the meter filled again.
2.) Kisara's Unusual Ba - In the manga version of Yuugiou, any time Kisara is unconcious, the Blue Eyes White Dragon appears, as it is literally half of her Ba (or soul). In game, every time Kisara is KOed, the Blue Eyes would appear in the next turn. It would level up as Kisara levels up, and when it appears the player would not have control over it. It would randomly attack or use it's Burst Stream ability. After the battle, assuming the Blue Eyes wasn't killed, Kisara would be revived with 1 HP. If the Blue Eyes was killed in battle, she wouldn't be revived (though you could use an item to revive her in battle).
I'm just adding input incase a real scripter needs an impetus;

-Just take a regular limit break script, and only apply it to one person.
-Then, do a check to apply a status when the gauge is full.
-Empty the gauge.

Unusual Ba:
-Check KO'd, remove Kisara add Blue Eyes.
-If Revival Item is used on Blue Eyes, remove Blue eyes and add Kisara with HP. Do this by tagging items with an Element and checking for that.
-When Blue eyes is added in, first check Kisara's level and make it equivilant.
-Make Blue eyes have a status effect so it is uncontrollable.

Good luck, I'd like to see a skilled scripter preform it there way. :D
So is it like a regular RPG? Or is it a card game?
My thoughts would be to reference the card game a lot.
Maybe it could be a lot like it... Or perhaps you could earn cards that would be usable in battle or would teach skills... Do you summon monsters? Are there traps?

Dunno. Never really played YuGiOh much. Rented it once on PS2. Watched it a bunch on TV though ^^;

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