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[ Request ] Luck Parameter



Script Request

Luck Parameter

EDIT : This was actually so detailed that it stopped being informative. I tried to make it as short and sweet as possible.

Functions of the New Parameter

If a monster drops an item, the actor's luck will increase the chance of the monster dropping the item by 1%.

Also, for each point of the luck attribute, the enemy will drop one tenth of their gold (rounded to the nearest integer, of course) on top of the gold they normally drop.

Since every actor has the luck attribute, the drop chance of items and gold in battle would be based on the party's average luck.

Making a "seed" that increased maximum luck would also be a nice add-on as well, assuming it would function exactly like any other "seed."

Credit is always given where due (even if it's for a miniscule portion of script), and I will pay if necessary.

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