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Request: Equipment Skills + Skill Combos



First things first: I'm using Sephirothspawn's Equipment skill script (Version 2).

At first, I tried to see if it was compatible with Trickster's skill combo script, but unfortunately it wasn't so: after incorporating the script, several skills simply stopped working, so I had to retract the script.

I would like to have a Combo Skill script that worked harmoniously with Sephy's script, or a new script that combines both features:

-Attaching skills to weapons (Sephiroth's)
-Having the characters learn their skills through the use of the weapons (AP points) (Sephiroth's). Once the skill is learned, the weapon can be removed to acquire a better weapon without the risk of forgetting the skills.
-Learning special combinations of movements
-Performing combos: The right succession of movements in a fight by all (or some) members causes even more powerful attacks and effects to be unleashed.

Does it sound plausible? :)



Yuppers! first thing I did. The outcome was that the first set of skills that weren't working started working, but another set became inactive.

I truly wish I were good at scripting, but unfortunately I'm the musician/artist, and coding is my weak attribute :(

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