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[$$Request] Battle System

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Timed-Attacks-These attacks similar to Mario RPG, give you a chase to hit harder, or more than once, to an enemy

Timed-Defend-Chance to block an attack, or dodge it

Timed-Skills-Chance to hit more than once or more powerful depending on the skill

Player Links-2 Heroes can "Link" up to create team attacks, while linked they are able to use Co-op skills as well as take on one an another turns, but they share the same HP
Formula for this is- ((Hero1hp+Hero2hp)/2=shared HP)

Co-op Attacks-Combine skills of other heroes to create uber attack, depending on formations, enemies, environment.

Key Hits-Again similar to Mario RPG, use you keys to rapidly hit your enemy. Or to charge and release an attack.

Manual Aim-Range weapon and spells require crosshairs to aim, depending on the skill/weapon the projectile can hit the first target (BULLET) or hit every target in it ways (BEAM)

AOE Spells-Spells/Skills that affect an area not just an enemy. But also be careful if your teams mates are to close they can get hit too.
http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f175/ ... Mockup.png[/IMG]

HP/SP GAUGE-The top of the screen holds the gauges. Red Bar is the HP gauge and the Blue is the SP, every time you attack you SP bars goes up, 100 points is the max, and when it is full, the hero can use there special attacks. When it hit 100 it will start to glow.

HERO TIME GAUGE-Located in the lower left of the screen, these are always displayed, when they fill up a menu will slide out from under it with the attack skill items, run, ECT. I want the LINK command on the opposite side like how run is.

For the Item Command, it is just a extra menu that slides out, it shows 1 Item at a time, the name and Info on that item in the main window how many u have on the right and the USE button on the left.

SKILL Menu-I have not done this yet, because I do not know how I am going to do the Skill system yet, I have ideas just nothing solid yet.

The Overdrive-Is the Special skill when the Bar hits 100% for now just have the command but have it locked out. This will be finished when I get the skill system done.

I like alot of animation in my game, every skill every attack something exciting in itself.

I can understand if some of these things are to much, i am always willing to brain storm for new ideas. I liked the fast pace of the rtab Script but hates the lack of features it could have.

I am also offering to pay for this script to be done, but if I do pay for it, the script mut be realsed to me and me only. The person doing the script must have paypal. And willing to pay part of the money before, as a down payment. Then the rest once the script is finished to mine, and your liking.
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