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[Request] Basic Starting Script

I'm trying to write a new script, But I can't seem to get started. I was wondering if any of the experienced scripters out there would be willing to help me out by writing up a quick basic Starting script. It will be a planting Script. I want it to sow the plant, check to see how many times it has been watered, and to change the event graphic based off the amount watered and the type of seed planeted.

Example use a Fruit seed to plant, water a couple of times and the graphic changes to a sprout(plan on making a character sprite for each type of plant in the full script) then to a full grown fruit plant after it has been watered a few more times. With the option of fruit, grain, or vegetable as a base starting types.

But all I really need is a solid base to start working out the spefic details with and working in more detailed options. If you could set something up that will grow a flower if you water it enough times. that would be great.

Thanks in Advance

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