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[req]Variable Skills



Hey there, I've recently been working on my game and decided to include a skill levelling system, and I didn't want to get too complex with scipts and stuff, so I got the idea of a script that adds 1 point to a variable every time a skill is used, in battle or in the menu. Could any body do this? I also need the script to be easy to edit. Like, copy and paste one line and change some names for different skills and variables. (I'm a noob scripter).
Couldn't you set a Battle event for turns 0+1 and set it to battle and use a conditional branch checking for the script.

And then add a variable within the conditional branch? If that doesn't work it will only require a line of script.

Can't remember where though...
Copy and Paste Below Everything else
class Game_Actor
  Skill_Variable_Counter = {
    skill_id => variable_id
  alias seph_skillusecntr_se skill_effect
  def skill_effect(user, skill)
    seph_skillusecntr_se(user, skill)
    if Skill_Variable_Counter.has_key?(skill.id)
      $game_variables[Skill_Variable_Counter[skill.id]] += 1

Just fill the Skill_Variable_Counter hash with skill_id numbers and the variable ids with the variables that will increase by 1 after each use.

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