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[REQ] Trance System



I was wondering if anyone would be able to script a trance system for me.
I want it similiar to Final Fantasy IX.

The best way to describe it would be when a character gets hit, their trance bar moves up, just like a limit break, but I would like it so that it can be selected from the menu, unlike Final Fantasy IX where it would just happen as soon as the bar filled up.

Once Trance is selected from the battle menu, they transform into a character with a new graphic and new abilities. They stay in that form for a certain amount of turns (I have four turns in mind), and then they transform back to their normal character. Oh, and they also transform back after battle.
Finaly, I only want it on one character only, as it is a special ability only a certain character can use.

I think I described it good enough, if you need me to clarify on anything, let me know!

I appreciate anyone who is willing to do this, and of course, I will give credit to whoever does the script.

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