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[Req]New AP Skill Learning System

I was wandering if anyone could script this for me?
Ok here's what I need:

When you win a battle you get Ap, but there are 4 kinds:
Black - Used to learn Black Magic
White - Used to learn White Magic
Omni - Used to learn Omni Magic
Nega - Used to learn Nega Magic

Then I need a scene like this:

Ok how it works:

You first select a hero from your party
Then you select from a list of skills that the character can learn Added to a sub-list using script eg:

$game_actors.available_skills + $data_skills[2]

or something like that...

then that skill has ap costs to learn like 3 Black ap
also you can use Nega Ap to learn a dark version of the skill
(Nega Ap cost is shown Under the normal Ap cost)

then you simply add Ap to the skill and when Its full you learn the skill!

Ok thats it, now can anyone do it?

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