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[REQ] Donations script



I was thinking long and hard about this and thought it was very neat, it came to me while playing Animal Crossing Wild World a while back. This is how it goes if you haven't played AC.

I would like a script where you donate money and after a while you might get something out of it in return.

For example, let's say Luna, the main character of your story, goes into town hall or something. There is an NPC there behind a counter that'll ask you when you talk to them "Would you like to donate to (insert a town, school, etcetera)?".

Then you'll be able to choose from Yes or No. That'll be done with eventing. But if you choose yes, you're able to insert the amount of money you'd like to donate, be it all of your money or a single dollar. After you donate little by little every so often and you finally reach 2000 Money in total donations, a switch'll be turned on or you'll recieve a special item (or both if possible). This can happen several times, you go from 2000 total to 6000 total and you get another reward, always building off of a total donation number. The amount you've donated doesn't reset or anything after you've gotten your first reward.

I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me out with this, it'll add a more interesting point to any game. Unless you're stingy.

EDIT: Numbers used here are examples. ._.;
Though You want a script, this can be done quite easily with events, just use the fork conditions and variables to control it.

But then again your requesting a script so... either your unaware of the event way or you'd perfer something better.
Well it's rather simple, You have a message displayed with a show choise command, under the yes one, fork how much the player has and if it's over the ammount being donated, from there set up a variable based on the amount donated, then fork that variable to see if it's a certain number. if it is or more then turn on a switch or give an item.

I'd show pictures but I don't have RMXP on this computer.



Thank you so much. I'll try this and see what I get.

Edit: I'm sorry, I'm really airheaded, I can't quite get this to work.. Could you provide an example when you have access to RMXP? I don't know how to Fork variables or Fork in general. ~_~ I'm fairly new to RMXP.
I would, if I could, perhaps someone else could take it from here for me? otherwise you'll have to wait a bit(my computer with RMXP on it doesn't have any net connection, and only this computer does)
ok what what you do is on the first page of the event command list there is a command called Conditional Branch it should be the 8th command down on the left. and as far as the amount thing you could just do the 3rd command down on the left of the first page which is Input Number, and then choose the amount of digits they can use for the amount.
alright well if u want i could make some screenshots for u showing u the event list, etc.

EDIT: actually im making u a demo of it right now so you could just copy the event from that

EDIT AGAIN: heres a link to the demo http://files.filefront.com/Donation_and_Prize_Demo/;5244563;;/fileinfo.html just let me know if you have any problems, also you shouldnt just copy and paste it you should take a look at it and see if you could try and figure out exactly whats going on, so you can learn something from it

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