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[REQ] CMS Request



I am making a Game in which there is no battles at all.
There is also a Maximum Character in the party of 1.

What I am asking for is a CMS that does not have the Equip option (I dont need it since there is no battles) and there is only One hero on the menu.

I guess what I would like would be something like this,
here are some other Pictures, if they help...
http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c299/ ... o/CMS2.jpg[/IMG]
http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c299/ ... o/CMS3.jpg[/IMG]
And here is a Transparent one (PNG)
http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c299/ ... parent.png[/IMG]
and here is one with no text on it,
http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c299/ ... opcopy.png[/IMG]
the Font used is Lucida Sans]

As you can see, everything looks like that and depending on what the option is (Inventory, Skill, Exit game, Etc) that menu will appear to the left of it (where the Inventory Items are in the picture)
Skills and Inventory Items will appear as a list in the left half of the CMS (the biggest Box) as a list. If there are more Items than fit the list, Some V's will appear (down arrows) to let the player know that the list continues.
Same with the skill.

In the Uppermost Box (the one that spans the Whole length of the CMS on the top) is where the Explanations are for the Items and the Skills.

For the Status window, Have the Battler of the hero in the background, a little transparent and in front of that, the heros Name, under that, his HP, under that, his MP, Under that, his EXP and then His Level and any status ailments (poison, sleep etc)

The Players Gold appears where the Gold Box is, on all of the Options (it is alwalys visible)

Also the Menu Call (when the player presses Escape) could you have the Menu slowly fade in (about a 2 second fade?)same with the closing, (fade out)

the selection box is like in the picture with the background (the light Blue one)

Also, If I need to say this, I want the CMS to be Transparent, so I can see the game underneath it (like in the first Picture)

Anyone willing to Help me with this script will have Much credit (a whole Picture displaying their name, anything they want, and a Big thank you in the credits) and I will name a CPU after them (or what they want)

Could I please have this script in a demo if possible?





??? Well, What I am useing the items for in my game is for Healing, and all of the other items are things like Matches, A Knife, etc, and with them when you use them they are all set to do a Common event which for example...

If the player is stanging next to a Unlit torch, and he clicks space on it it says something like, This is a Unlit torch.. It could be useful if lit. and then the Menu pops up (call menu thing) and if you have matches and you use them then the torch is lit (i have this all worked out and it works fine.

If you were to use a Food Item (for Healing) or a potion or something, then I would like a window to Popup in front of all the other ones and say, Heal yourself? (remember, there is only One player/hero in this entire game, only one person in the party) If you could get that to work so that ONLY items that heal you say Heal yourself, that would be great. (Or would I need to set that item in the database to Scope = One Ally?

Thanks Raziel!




Aww, that is perfect!
one little thing, if you have time...
Could you please make it so that when you press up and down on the Inventory, skills, etc. it shows them in the left window without you having to press space? but when you press space, the blue cursor changes from the inventory side to the side with the items in it?
and escape changes it back?




Awesome Raziel, thank you so Much!
(PS, you spelled Amount wrong, you put Ammount, but I was able to fix that)
You will be credited greatly!

Would you happen to know of a script that places a ball of light under the hero for use in a cave? Because that is what I need next.

Basically, it is the cave lighting, the whole cave is black, except for the 3 feet of so around the hero (about one hero length) before it is pitch black.
If you could help me with that, or direct me to one, The thanks will flow like honey on a hot day. (also, if you make the script, could you please make it so that it can be turned on and off by a switch or something and also make it so that the ball of light could be placed in a event and give the light aroung the event (for use around torches)


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