GubiD's Isometric Map Renderer
Version: 1.0
By: GubiD
This script takes an isometric map(predetermined by the isometric view script) and renders you a png of it including heights. This makes it easier to develop isometric tilesets and overall isometric maps. Cause it does all the placement etc for you.
Why Yes!
# Iso Node - The iso sprite
class IsoNode < Sprite
 def initialize(x,y)
  @sx = x
  @sy = y
  @real_x = x*128
  @real_y = y*128
  @iso = $game_map.iso?
  self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture("IsoNode").clone
  @h = 0
 def update
  @h = get_height
  self.x = screen_x
  self.y = screen_y
  self.z = screen_z
 # Get Height - Return Screen Tile Height for the current position
 def get_height
  return 0 if !@iso
  tile_id = $[@sx,@sy,0]
  return 0 if tile_id == nil
  t_x = (tile_id - 384) % 8  Â
  t_y = (tile_id - 384) / 8
  th = t_x + t_y * 8
  return th
 # Screen X - sets X based on current map position
 def screen_x
  if !@iso
   return (@real_x - $game_map.display_x + 3) / 4 + 16
   return  (@real_x - @real_y)/4 + 32*$game_map.height - 0 - $game_map.display_x/4+2-32
 # Screen Y - sets Y based on current map position
 def screen_y
  if !@iso
   y = (@real_y - $game_map.display_y + 3) / 4 + 32
   return y
   y = ((@real_y + @real_x) / 8 + 24 - $game_map.display_y / 4 - (@h) * 8) + 7 -32
   return y
 def screen_z
  if !@iso
   # Get screen coordinates from real coordinates and map display position
   z = (@real_y - $game_map.display_y + 3) / 4 + 32
   # If height exceeds 32, then add 31
   return z
   z = @h * 8
   if screen_y < $game_player.screen_y
    if @h > $game_player.screen_h
     z -= 4
    if @h > $game_player.screen_h
     z -= 2
   return z
$drawn_iso_maps = []
# Scene Map Changes
class Scene_Map
 attr_reader :iso_sprites
 alias upd_gm_draw_iso update
 def update
 def update_iso_draw
  if $game_map.iso?
   if !$drawn_iso_maps.include?($game_map.map_id)
    if @iso_sprites == nil
    return if @iso_sprites == nil
    @iso_sprites.each {|spr| spr.update}
 def clear_iso_frame
  @iso_sprites.each {|spr| spr.dispose}
  @iso_sprites = nil
 def draw_iso_frame
  @iso_sprites = []
  for x in 0...$game_map.width
   for y in 0...$game_map.height
  name = $data_map_info[$game_map.map_id].name
# ** MapScreenshotMaker
module MapScreenshotMaker
 def self.take_iso(filename="IsoShot", dir = "Graphics/IsoMaps/")
  #create bitmap
  both = $game_map.width+$game_map.height
  bitmap =*32, (both/2)*32)
  #save current display view
  sx, sy = $game_map.display_x, $game_map.display_y
  #set to 0
  $game_map.display_x, $game_map.display_y = 0,0
  #update sprites, and render to bitmap
  $scene.iso_sprites.each {|spr|
   bitmap.blt(spr.x, spr.y, spr.bitmap,,0,64,32))
  #save bitmap to file
  bitmap.make_png(filename, dir)
  #reset display view
  $game_map.display_x, $game_map.display_y = sx, sy
  #update iso sprites to location
  $scene.iso_sprites.each {|spr|
This script has a couple of requirements:
This will not work in VX
Credits and Thanks
Makers of the SDK and MACL for giving me the ability to write to PNG file.
McCaladtogel for his original Isometric script, which I modified into Isometric Views (XP/VX)
Seigfried for his help in nailing down Isometric height movement.
Author's Notes
This script is only for RMXP and cannot be used inside of VX. However you can render your maps in XP, and import the made tilesets to VX.
I dont know of any compatiblity problems. However do keep in mind that this script displays 100's of sprites on screen at once. This causes major lag, but shouldnt really matter, because it is intended for game dev only. As in to render the maps for you, so that you can turn them into what you want.
Terms and Conditions
Intended for Development use only(cause its too slow otherwise). Please do not repost this script elsewhere without my permission.
Version: 1.0
By: GubiD
This script takes an isometric map(predetermined by the isometric view script) and renders you a png of it including heights. This makes it easier to develop isometric tilesets and overall isometric maps. Cause it does all the placement etc for you.
- Renders Isomap to PNG file
- Replaceable default tiles (IsoNode.png in the Pictures folder)

Why Yes!
# Iso Node - The iso sprite
class IsoNode < Sprite
 def initialize(x,y)
  @sx = x
  @sy = y
  @real_x = x*128
  @real_y = y*128
  @iso = $game_map.iso?
  self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture("IsoNode").clone
  @h = 0
 def update
  @h = get_height
  self.x = screen_x
  self.y = screen_y
  self.z = screen_z
 # Get Height - Return Screen Tile Height for the current position
 def get_height
  return 0 if !@iso
  tile_id = $[@sx,@sy,0]
  return 0 if tile_id == nil
  t_x = (tile_id - 384) % 8  Â
  t_y = (tile_id - 384) / 8
  th = t_x + t_y * 8
  return th
 # Screen X - sets X based on current map position
 def screen_x
  if !@iso
   return (@real_x - $game_map.display_x + 3) / 4 + 16
   return  (@real_x - @real_y)/4 + 32*$game_map.height - 0 - $game_map.display_x/4+2-32
 # Screen Y - sets Y based on current map position
 def screen_y
  if !@iso
   y = (@real_y - $game_map.display_y + 3) / 4 + 32
   return y
   y = ((@real_y + @real_x) / 8 + 24 - $game_map.display_y / 4 - (@h) * 8) + 7 -32
   return y
 def screen_z
  if !@iso
   # Get screen coordinates from real coordinates and map display position
   z = (@real_y - $game_map.display_y + 3) / 4 + 32
   # If height exceeds 32, then add 31
   return z
   z = @h * 8
   if screen_y < $game_player.screen_y
    if @h > $game_player.screen_h
     z -= 4
    if @h > $game_player.screen_h
     z -= 2
   return z
$drawn_iso_maps = []
# Scene Map Changes
class Scene_Map
 attr_reader :iso_sprites
 alias upd_gm_draw_iso update
 def update
 def update_iso_draw
  if $game_map.iso?
   if !$drawn_iso_maps.include?($game_map.map_id)
    if @iso_sprites == nil
    return if @iso_sprites == nil
    @iso_sprites.each {|spr| spr.update}
 def clear_iso_frame
  @iso_sprites.each {|spr| spr.dispose}
  @iso_sprites = nil
 def draw_iso_frame
  @iso_sprites = []
  for x in 0...$game_map.width
   for y in 0...$game_map.height
  name = $data_map_info[$game_map.map_id].name
# ** MapScreenshotMaker
module MapScreenshotMaker
 def self.take_iso(filename="IsoShot", dir = "Graphics/IsoMaps/")
  #create bitmap
  both = $game_map.width+$game_map.height
  bitmap =*32, (both/2)*32)
  #save current display view
  sx, sy = $game_map.display_x, $game_map.display_y
  #set to 0
  $game_map.display_x, $game_map.display_y = 0,0
  #update sprites, and render to bitmap
  $scene.iso_sprites.each {|spr|
   bitmap.blt(spr.x, spr.y, spr.bitmap,,0,64,32))
  #save bitmap to file
  bitmap.make_png(filename, dir)
  #reset display view
  $game_map.display_x, $game_map.display_y = sx, sy
  #update iso sprites to location
  $scene.iso_sprites.each {|spr|
This script has a couple of requirements:
- Isometric View
This will not work in VX
Credits and Thanks
Makers of the SDK and MACL for giving me the ability to write to PNG file.
McCaladtogel for his original Isometric script, which I modified into Isometric Views (XP/VX)
Seigfried for his help in nailing down Isometric height movement.
Author's Notes
This script is only for RMXP and cannot be used inside of VX. However you can render your maps in XP, and import the made tilesets to VX.
I dont know of any compatiblity problems. However do keep in mind that this script displays 100's of sprites on screen at once. This causes major lag, but shouldnt really matter, because it is intended for game dev only. As in to render the maps for you, so that you can turn them into what you want.
Terms and Conditions
Intended for Development use only(cause its too slow otherwise). Please do not repost this script elsewhere without my permission.