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Reminition of a Dream

Basically, this is a reflection on a dream I had about 2 weeks ago. The weird part it, it is basically infused in my head. I want to basically share it with everyone, as best I can.

The soft clicking noise of my shoes as I walk across the open space. I feel the presence of others behind myself, going about their own business. Everything seems so silent, so peaceful. Up ahead, a row of chairs seems to greet me, open with no backs to them, yet long like benches. There are a few girls chatting up ahead, each one known from my life. As I approach them, they seem to slightly hush themselves. I sit down and wrap my arms around the one whom I love. Slowly, I put my chin on her shoulder, her soft blond hair touching my face. She turns around a bit, to look at me, then resumes her conversation. When I look back over, I seem a smile across her face,
glad to have my company.

Glad to have my love.

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