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Reliable Video (.avi) Script - Impossible?

Possibly the most annoying script I have ever dealt with, I simply cannot get SoundSpawn's video script to work for me. All props to the coder for even coming up with such a script in the first place, of course, but no matter how hard I and many others try, it will not function on a reliable basis, especially in scenarios involving fullscreen resolution.

While I am trying as hard as I possibly can to improve upon it, I'm not yet familiar enough with the Ruby language to do so, and neither can I distinguish the exact syntax of the API calls.

Another problem, it seems, is that any prior discussion of video-script improvement was either destroyed during the downfal of .net, or removed during the hack attempts here at .org.

That said, I am simply asking if it would be possible for some of our more advanced scripters, and perhaps even amateurs like myself, to partake in a community effort whose goal is to develop a reliable script that would allow for fullscreen and standard resolution playing of videos in avi format.

So... er... any takers?

Many thanks in advance for any help you can offer, by the way. :)

EDIT: Hmmm... might this have been better placed within another forum? RGSS Support, perhaps.

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