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Regarding SigmaSuccour

As you browse the RPG maker community you'll undoubtedly hear about some controversy regarding one of the mods of the official RPG Maker Discord. I want to make this statement as it has come up in our Discord channel and I know that people are quoting from it and such.

What does this have to do with HBGames? It doesn't, other than that we are a part of the RPG Maker community.

Anyway the statement is this.

HBGames is, and always will be, an inclusive environment. Though we aren't going to police opinion to an extent, and your thoughts are your own, we are fully accepting of the entire LGBT+ community. This includes our friends in Asia as well as many who are living under oppressive regimes.

The following are opinions I am not going to accept to be aired at HBGames. The opinion that regimes that murder gay people are correct to think that, or that being LGBT is in general a bad thing or up for debate.

While we are at it, on an unrelated note, I am going to add: you do not get to debate people's sexuality or gender, and LGBT includes the T. This is a requirement of your stay here at HBGames and if you disagree you are welcome to leave.

While that only in part pertains to the aforementioned drama, I also want you to know that the user in question will not be allowed into our community, and I would advise caution and situational awareness if you use the official RPG Maker Discord.

Anyway that's all I want to say on the matter. Peace
Since the site doesn't get a lot of news and this could be up for a long time, I'm going to leave a note to myself about what this was "drama" was.

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