Recoloring is the most important thing to know when creating "custom" sprites through frankenspriting. Most tutorials will only talk about doing it with Paintshop or Photshop, but most people just starting out may not have those programs, so i'll be telling you how to do it in MS Paint. Personally, I prefer this method, having sampled all the others and still do all my spritng in paint, so here goes:
1. Creating a Pallette
Let's say you want to change Aluxes hair color. You'll need to first make a pallette. You do this using the eydropper and paintbrush tools. Take a sample of ALL the colors in his hair, putting them at the side with the brush in some order. Now do the same with the hair of the sprite with the color you want. With (most) rtp sprites, the numbers should add up exactly, if not, improvise! Take some from other sprites, or clothes, or just try and make a color yourself.
2. Recoloring
now that you're palletes are ready (in the same order ie darkest lightest, lightest to darkest)place them side by side. It's easiest if you put Aluxes pallette to the left, and the new colors to the right. Now, get the eydropper tool. Left click on the target color(the one you want to change) and RIGHT click on the new color(the one you'll be changing it to). They should have equivalent positions on the Lightest/darkest scale. Then, get the eraser. Hold down the right mouse button, and rub it all over ONE frame(As most frames have a clone or rotated version somewhere else, you can easily replace one if you don't like it). It will only erase the color you want to be erased, and as you have selected a specific color as the transparent one...It effectively repalces one exact color with another. Repeat with all the other shades. Assuming you made a complete pallette, it should work out fine.
Possible Problems:
The colors look terrible. This is because not all sprites have the light hitting their hair in the same way. Aluxes has a very prominent lightest color, so his can be most problematic
Parts of the clothing are recolored. A few RTP sprites use the sam colors in several places (I believe fighter 02 is one of these). If this is happening, only rub the eraser over the head. That shouldn't cause any major problems
1. Creating a Pallette
Let's say you want to change Aluxes hair color. You'll need to first make a pallette. You do this using the eydropper and paintbrush tools. Take a sample of ALL the colors in his hair, putting them at the side with the brush in some order. Now do the same with the hair of the sprite with the color you want. With (most) rtp sprites, the numbers should add up exactly, if not, improvise! Take some from other sprites, or clothes, or just try and make a color yourself.
2. Recoloring
now that you're palletes are ready (in the same order ie darkest lightest, lightest to darkest)place them side by side. It's easiest if you put Aluxes pallette to the left, and the new colors to the right. Now, get the eydropper tool. Left click on the target color(the one you want to change) and RIGHT click on the new color(the one you'll be changing it to). They should have equivalent positions on the Lightest/darkest scale. Then, get the eraser. Hold down the right mouse button, and rub it all over ONE frame(As most frames have a clone or rotated version somewhere else, you can easily replace one if you don't like it). It will only erase the color you want to be erased, and as you have selected a specific color as the transparent one...It effectively repalces one exact color with another. Repeat with all the other shades. Assuming you made a complete pallette, it should work out fine.
Possible Problems:
The colors look terrible. This is because not all sprites have the light hitting their hair in the same way. Aluxes has a very prominent lightest color, so his can be most problematic
Parts of the clothing are recolored. A few RTP sprites use the sam colors in several places (I believe fighter 02 is one of these). If this is happening, only rub the eraser over the head. That shouldn't cause any major problems