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Real Illusions: The Beginning

http://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h201/ ... as/Sig.gif[/img]
Basic Story Outline:
The universe and everything in it were created by a poweful divine being. This being is known as 'The Infant Oracle'. The Oracle takes the form of a young girl symbolising the her innocence. For many years the Oracle has lived peacefully with her subjects...until now. A dark force attacks the Halmia Flying Fortress and obliterates all inside 30 minutes before this The oracles eternal light had faded.

Meanwhile in he human world....

The bulk of the planet Marlu is controlled by the Santonium Empire. An evil military force that threatens all of Marlu.

Some of the Characters That Will Join Your Party
http://www.surreal-productions.artistic ... hter08.png[/img]
Name:Shuyu Lamis
Hair Colour:Purple
Eye Colour:Navy Blue
Class:Sword Dancer
Bio: Shuyu Lamis was born in the small forest village Maeber. When she was 8 years old her father left the village on a covert operation. He never returned. For years she never spoke a word not even to yher best friend Sophie Elamia. A month after her fathers death a girl named Eli and her family moved to the village
. Soon after Shuyu befreined Eli.

http://www.surreal-productions.artistic ... Sophie.png[/img]
Name:Sophie Elamia
Hair Colour:Blonde
Eye Colour:Blue
Bio:Sophie has lived a normal life in Maerber village along with Shuyu and Eli. She began training with a Maul when she was 8.

http://www.surreal-productions.artistic ... Daniel.png[/img]
Name: Daniel Varkgete
Age: 22
Hair Colour: Orange
Eye Colour: Orange
Class: Warrior Magi
Bio: Name was born in the Atherian royal city Wicos. Both his parents were members of Genesis but they died when Genesis launched an attack on the empire. Since his parents died Daniel has worked his mastered the art of magic. With his pendulum at his side he's basically indestructable.

http://www.surreal-productions.artistic ... Amshel.png[/img]
Name: Amshel Vineyard
Age: 45
Hair Colour: -
Eye Colour: -
Class: Theif
Weapon:(Pic coming soon) Katar
Bio: Amshel Vineyard is a world reknowned philosopher and alchemist. There are many books documenting his travels through the vast and unknown countries of Marlu.

http://www.surreal-productions.artistic ... s/Tori.png[/img]
Name: 'King' Tori Bordeaux
Age: 8 and 1/2
Hair Colour: Green
Eye Colour: Green
Class: Telekinetic
Weapon: http://www.surreal-productions.artistic ... AP-bow.png[/img]Bow
Bio: Youngest king since his great great great great great grandfather Tori rules over the magical country of Atheria. Although since the war started he and his family have had to retreat to Wicos the royal city and headquaters of the rebel faction Genesis.

A group of holy warriors chosen by the goddess of harmoney.
A rebel group that opposes the Santonium Empire
The Believers
A group of onholy mages that hope to use the power of darkness to attain the holy gauntlet of the oracle.






Raziels Chrono Trigger CMS
Side View Battle
Selwyns MINImap(With edited map graphics)
Slipknots Advanced Message System
Deke's Crafting System
Sephiroth Spawns Save Point and Inn Script
Selwyns Damage Display

Things to come
*Crafting System
*New Menu
*Advanced Weather
*Some diolouge changed
*No More Random Encounters! Monsters Walk On The Map
*1 New Playable Character
*Music Changed To MP3's(Star Ocean Till The End of Time OST)
*Kasandra The Save Kator Has Been Changed To A MOOOOOOOGLE!

Credit List
Sephiroth Spawn
Strawberry Quartz
Star Phantom
Green Raven
More to come




Well, I only just started playing. The screens got me interested, but frankly I'm a little dissappointed.

You've not double checked a lot of your spellings. 'Liek' shows up once, and there's others that I don't remember. You refer to Eli as 'brown haired girl' when her hair is not brown by any stretch of the imagination. Just before the fight with the guard at the cave, Sophie's sprite changes to Gloria in the dialouge scene.

The worst thing, though, was that the random battles were ALL THE SAME and all too easy but far too long. I was honestly and truly playing musical chairs in that forest, walking through the map and then stopping and watching tv while hitting the space bar a lot for a few minutes. Seriously. Not a single attack hit me ONCE.

Now I sound really mean D:. Don't worry, I'm still playing it so it's not that bad :3

EDIT: The first thing that managed to hit me did 6000 damage :x
Yeah it's supposed to...and i'll work on the encounters. I guess i miscalculated the the stats...sorry. Anyway thanks for the comment!
I think that this project looks fair, you really do need to double check your spelling. And you really have to change the stats Wumpi is right 6000+ damage is really unbearable, but all and all this game has potential so keep up the good work.
yeah yeah, but you really do need to fix the save error, and fix the encounter rate, but like I said with some work this game will be good, and you should try to add real music not midi's I myself hate Midi's to me they ruin good games.



XD I knew it was supposed to do that much damage, I just found it funny.
lol don't worry you will come to surpass it. Everyone will be glad to know that i have finished mapping Wicos which plays a very important part in this game.
[sarcasm]Congradulations on being so observant![/sarcasm]

I know it's not the default battle system it's Nicks TBS. I just haven't had a chance to update the main post yet is all^_^
Ccoa's UMS
Mr Mo's ABS
Beginning Cave Changed!
New Scenes Added!
Awesome MINIMAP(Pictures edited by me)
New Menu System!
1 New Party Member!
1 hour+ Game Play!

Expect a new demo to be released around the 25th of January!

Thank you for viewing

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