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Ready made characters, or player created?

Which do you prefer for your game characters?

I suppose it's the main distinction between a jRPG and wRPG.

Do you like to play a character or characters that are already made and have their own story for you to uncover, as in games such as Final Fantasy? You play as a character in the story and have little impact on that story. Your looks, and usually name are already defined for you and you can do little to shape their actions or appearance.

Alternatively, do you prefer the Forgotten Realms or Elder Scrolls way, where you play as you, choosing your name, appearance and traits, and then shape the story of the game around yourself?

The latter is obviously a lot more work in a game, and usually requires paperdoll type systems and character creation scenes, but it creates the opportunity for self-insertion, giving the player much more of a grip on the world.

In one you are playing as a character as if reading a book. In the other you are playing as yourself, as if you are writing the book. But which do you prefer?
Yeah, that is largely the difference between jRPGs and wRPGs. I think the way Extra Credits (Fantastic series by the way. Start watching it if you haven't already.) put it is in jRPGs you control the character. In wRPGs you are the character.

I think it depends on what I'm in the mood for. I've really enjoyed both types. But I think what I like best is using a defined character for single-player games and making my own for multiplayer games. A game with a defined character where the player doesn't really have full control over the game's plot is just fine so long as it's in service to a good story. A custom character works a lot better for open-world games, games where your decisions affect the world, or where you actually have to roleplay or interact as your character.

Have you ever played a multiplayer game that has premade characters? Borderlands, for example. It works OK there because there's no roleplaying. It's a shooter with equipment and character stat progression. Besides that, I think a multiplayer game would have to have custom character generation.
From looking at my game completion list, I prefer ready-made characters. Skyrim is probably the only RPG I've actually completed with character customisation; even then I was only doing story quests to get through the game.

I don't want to say I prefer one format over the other, but it seems like I overwhelmingly play more ready-made characters. Probably has something to do with my lack of time to invest in a game where you have to make the experience; where as ready-made just gives me an experience to sit into immediately.
I don't know of I have a favorite. I like aspects of both. My favorite games of all time are player created characters as I can replay the game over and over and it's still fun. Most of the really good RPGs of my childhood are ready made because you can tell a much more in-depth story that way.
I've never felt attached to characters I create. The exception being in Final Fantasy Tactics.
I guess what it demands is a sense of social identity, but generated characters are devoid of personal relationships. And that goes for silent protagonists too.

I make an exception for Final Fantasy Tactics, but it has more to do with me and how I play the game. Most of the game you play with Ramza and a few others who play some part in the story events. But there's usually about space for 2 "original" characters to play with. And I end up leveling them up together as a duo. Inventing a story for them in my head. And their dynamics change as they change classes. Everyone starts out as a squire or chemist. Inevitably they'll got to gain experience in these other classes because they reach a job that I think suits them. And sometimes its like, one character start training as a Summoner, but their faith is really low so they don't make a good caster. So then I have a thief start training as a summoner but they mostly rely on their sub-job abilities until they actually learn useful abilities. So in my head I imagine the old summoner might be bitter about being outclassed by a rouge. Or maybe they become Student and Teacher. Idk, it kinda depends on what gender they are too. I don't really engineer it, just interpret it. The extra characters kinda weed themselves out at the beginning, so I don't know who will still be around.

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