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Random Writing

Adding my two bits

Fuck you this morning
I woke up thinking it, smelling it even tasting it in my coffee
Get out of my space
Your voice is an assault on my ears
Your face is a contorted mask equilibrating an inner disease
Why should these past years have meant anything
Under your portentous muck
There's better out there
I am not a host for your parasitic life
I am not a slave, I am not your tribe
I want to breath, free of your stench
So fuck you
Here I am gone
But not dead

(Reflections on a long term abusive relationship.) :dead:
Autumn sunsets
Heaven sent
Hues of velvet light
Fading into night
A dancing sky of stars

Wrote that at age 19. I found it in one of my old journals today. I always liked this one for some reason.

Our lives will never be known
Our voices to never be heard
If we just keep to the beat of the drum

Our stories to never be told
Our flames to burn till they've grown cold
If we just keep to the beat of the drum

So are we all just victims of circumstance?
Do we just survive?
Do we like what we see?
If we just keep to the beat of the drum

6 Billion hearts that haven't got half a chance to be seen
Do we question why?
Do we ask what it means?
Or will we just keep to the beat of the drum?

A child wakes in the night and she cries
A mother taken by mortar and fire
But we just keep to the beat of that drum

An empty bottle marks a young boys demise
A family grieves while the drunk driver drives
But we just keep to the beat of that drum

So were they both just victims of circumstance?
Could it be that this wouldn't be?
If we didn't keep to the beat of the drum?

How many lives will it take to upset this dance?
Will we be silent or will we be free?
But we'd better keep to the beat of that drum
How could it change
If we just keep to the beat of that drum?

I don't know what one thing inspired this. Mostly though I was influenced by some friends of the family whose 17 years old kid was killed by a 30 year old drunk driver 6 blocks from their home. The guy was never actually charged or punished for it. During all this the world as usual is in constant upheavals and conflicts. I suppose I really don't like the condition we as people finds ourselves in.
I'm feeling particular harsh tonight so I'm attacking random things.

You make the same mistake I do which is get caught up in trying to keep little neat rhythms and rhymes no one even notices, which takes away from the sense of some of it.

Like, I know when I write the last few lines feel disconnected from the lines before it. Flow breaks. Poems need to be perfect in each line, but more importantly the line-to-line is what defines them. Thats why you structure it the way you do. Be more deliberate, stop following rules because you think they should be followed. Make up the rules for your poem, because obviously something isn't working. Feels forced structure.

I make the same mistakes so I refuse to write until I figure out how to fix it. If you fix it, you are a god.
FzGhouL":1y6ktghf said:
I'm feeling particular harsh tonight so I'm attacking random things.

You make the same mistake I do which is get caught up in trying to keep little neat rhythms and rhymes no one even notices, which takes away from the sense of some of it.

Like, I know when I write the last few lines feel disconnected from the lines before it. Flow breaks. Poems need to be perfect in each line, but more importantly the line-to-line is what defines them. Thats why you structure it the way you do. Be more deliberate, stop following rules because you think they should be followed. Make up the rules for your poem, because obviously something isn't working. Feels forced structure.

I make the same mistakes so I refuse to write until I figure out how to fix it. If you fix it, you are a god.

You know what, I really hadn't noticed that before. Thanks for the feedback. =)

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