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Random Game Idea.



Hey. I had a brilliant idea, and expanded it into a game plot. I'm not going to tell the details, but here's a basic summary. Would this be an interesting game plot? Please tell.  :thumb:

The past has changed, the day is 1956. Asronaughts found some sort of technology on the
moon, this advanced technology by decades, and perhaps centuries. Scientists suddenly had
the power to make teleporters, household space ships, and gravity machines, wonders thaught
impossible by scientists all over the world.

But the most important of all, they could suddenly travel dimensions. The scientist Loyd
Lynass had created a portal machine that would transfer them to a diffrent dimension, and
ventured through it. He was never saw again. They closed the portal, as the other universe
just opened theres. They invaded earth, and left it in ruins, the survivors began to form
up and create a mega city, Utainus.

The top scientists sent back an assault team to 1950, a few weeks before Loyd created the
machine, they have orders, destroy the prototype, & kill loyd lynass.

If people tend to like this, then I'll post more up until I post the full plot.

Does this qualify for this board? Does it? :S
Sorta Doom-esque, though with different dates.

That last bit is what made me not want to play FF8 anymore.

Edit: Ultimecia, a sorceress from the future, is creating all sorts of trouble in the present day (her past) due to Squall's sister's ability to affect time. This ability was researched by Doc Odine, who apparrently kidnapped her? or something. Now, instead of smashing Doc Odine's lab to smithereens and prevent Ultimecia from ever being a threat, our heroes decide to travel to her time period and defeat her there. Killing Sephiroth was so much simpler.

Edit: Check out 'Knee deep in the dead' . I can't remember who it's by, but I found it interesting.



I've never played any final fantasy games, so I have no idea what you're talking about. *prepares for smiting*

What's Doom-esque?
*prepares for smiting... again*

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