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Radnom Dungeon/Random Monster/Item Spawn

Well, for those of you who have played Chocobo Dungeon 1&2, Torneko the Last Hope, Pokemon Red/Blue Rescue Team, etc. etc. you would know that what makes them different from other rpg games, is that revisiting the random dungeons are always, well, random! This made these games fun to try to master, whether it be collecting every item, mastering weapons, and unlocking everything.

What I want is a script/scripts that would enable each dungeon visit to be randomly generated every visit, and random item/monster spawns, along with random chests and other stuff. There was a random dungeon generator for the rpg maker 2003, but I wasnt sure how to use it, so I wont try.. yet. But I have high hopes for the great scripters here, who I think can do it.

My Promise
Well, my promise is that if anyone would make a script for this, is that I would give full credit, and if I do end up making a game with their script, they will get a first beta. (I know its not much, but I cant do anything more unless you could think of anything)

If you want to know more of what I'm talking about, (if you havent played those games) then ask questions and I will post under FAQ.


[Edit]Darn, made a typo in my title, well, hope that doesnt confuse anyone, XP
Hmmm.. have you guys played chocobo dungeon, or the games Ive listed? Well, in any case, the random dungeon generator isnt too bad, the item spawner I still need to try, and about the whole Idea, I might have to wait on this, because I'm going to learn some scripting myself. xD SO, if someone still wants to help, it would be apreciated. =)

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