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Radeth's Logo, Titles, and Graphic Design Request Center

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It is using the back picture for the pain, and it is just the paintbrush, not really a sword, but everyone sees something different. Yeah, I can get rid of the glow.



Okay! I like the image, especially since you explained it.. Without the glow, it'll be perfect. I am really looking forward to seeing it.. Thank you so much.
Alright! Another satisfied customer!

Anyone else need anything? I am exploring different types of art in logos, so please, request stuff and I will try to get them done asap.
Name: My Girlfriend Left Me
Sub Name:
Style: Medieval.
Mood: Somewhat angry :P
Font: Whatever font you want!
Description: You are a guy, whose girlfriend left him because some rich nerd took over power, and she thought he was cooler. You are very sad and, after a couple of months of drunkness and stuff, you decide to kill the rich guy, and go on a trip to win your girlfriend back!

Thank you :).
Lol, I figured because it does sound funny...and I wasn't turning it down, I just thought it was funny. :D Not so serious this time. :P
I would like one making please ^^

Logo/Title: Logo
Name:Silent Fire
Style: Rennaisance would be nice ^^ with some fire
Mood: Magical? And kind of Ominous
Description: Silent Fire is about a small resistance movement fighting a young empire and follows the story of three people and their involvement in the conflict, a mute peasant girl who saves the life of the rebel leader, the rebel leader himself and the son of the Emperor who all united only by the fact they are mages

Let me know if that isn't enough information o.O
Don't worry. I sent him some pics to make me a sig, and he didn't do that either. XD

Which is okay, because I got new pictures for my main character. ^_^;

I'm sure, though, he'll eventually get to yours. :D
Haha, you guys are too funny. :D Thank you Strawberry for helping out, and if you could get me those new pictures, I can put something together for you.

As for you minig gast! I will get that done right now. It is just hard to think of something for it, but I think I have an idea. :D

Sorry for the long wait guys, finals in school, and starting a new semester got in the way. I am starting to organize better now. :D

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