I am interested in a game logo to be used with a title screen. It is for RMXP.
Logo/Title: (Is it going to be a logo or a title screen?) Title screen

The name of the game you want me to make a logo/title for.)Chronicles of Honor
Sub Name: (Text that goes with the title. Like my main title is, Fatal Destiny, the sub would be, Path of Choice.)

Dark/Light Colors, Gothic, Future, Medieval, etc.)Sci Fi/fantasy
Mood: (The mood you want your logo to set. Scary, Happy, Sad...etc.)

You can give a download of a certain font you would like me to use on your logo/title.)Anything readable that it sci fi related
Description: (Short about of the game so I can make the logo from a description.)(I'll give it a shot, but I know I'm really bad at descriptions on the fly...)The story begins as Wesley, Will and their mother are heading to the temple, and in an unforgettable moment.. she is taken away from them, by an explosion. The boy survive to ponder the why of the situation, but their clan rejects them. Wesley decides to take this opportunity to build his ship and asks his brother to come with him.. The older boy says no, and they go their separate way. It picks up several years later, as Wesley has become a pirate. That is the beginning of the tale, but there are some aspects of the game I don't want to give away.