Awesome artworks you got here! Very good work, I'm quite impressed.
And by that I'd like to ask for one of your great logos (and maybe a title screen?) for my (at the moment on-hold) game.
Name: (The) Witch Hunter
[I dunno what's going to look better: title with "the" in fornt of without... I let you decide ^^]
Style:Fantasy, fire-ish theme, dark and sinistre, medieval theme
Font: I think you know better than me what works and what doesn't. Simply would like it to fit with the general idea of the game.
Description: About a witchhunter (who would have guessed that! ;D), brutal and unforgiving... killing for fun and likes to torture..
I think you know what I'm dring at, eh?
Thanks in advance, keep up the work.
And please: Take all the time you need! ;D