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Race and Requirment System

I need a system that make you have 1 of 3 races; Vampire, Human and Werewolf. Each race will have its own classes. With that said i would aso like weapons items and armor to have reqirments including level, race, class, AGI, INT, STR, and DEX. The stats i would like in inquraments of 5. If they could be set as elements it would be great. Thanks in advanced.



Couldn't you simply do this in the class database by making duplicate classes for each race?

Ex: Human Warrior, Human Mage, Human Cleric, Vampire Warrior, Vampire Mage, Vampire Cleric, Werewolf Warrior, etc.

Then make an event to switch the hero's "race", based on dialogue choices...



Bigbg459":1qz6lrii said:
Make sense?

...suppose your character is a "Vampire". (This is really a class.)

The class switcher comes up, there's a conditional in there that checks what your current class is. The class choices "Vampire Warrior, Vampire Mage, Vampire Cleric, etc." appear, based on the one you currently have.

PS. Man, I can't stand Gaia avatars... it's like talking with a Cabbage Patch Kid.
Ok you make a character 1 of the 3 races. Then each race has its own classes like vamp starts necro ,human mage...etc. The reason i dont wanna do it with classes is because when i get the requirment script for weapons i wanna mak it so people have to think on what weapons and armor they need not just what looks cool.
I think he wants it to be similar to the FFT Job system where when your a particular race, Certain classes are unlocked (Or in FFT case, you can switch to Knight, Monk and Archer after meating certain requirements in the Squire Class
Yes this is something i tryed to do too.
There are some script on the web but compatibility is equal to -300.
You could do something like this:
If, for instance, you start as a Vampire, then you can make a choice as Kest said. Then you'll make a choose class events, with the condition:
If you are a vampire, then you can change to "vampire warrior, vampire mage..." whatever.
Then, when you'll want again to change class, you'll simply put some conditions:
If you are: "vampire warrior, mage or vampire whatever", then, you can open the menu for switching one of your vampire classes, and exactly the same for werewolfs and the rest.
I think it would work perfectly, it's just a bit of events and doesn't make errors anywhere.
It's pretty simple.
It becomes more complicated if you have 4 characters and if you can switch them with other characters, then the menu would need to be scripted, i really wouldn't know how to build it on events and show choices.

As for the item requirments i must admit i don't understand anything of what you want, please write it again clearer.

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