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Questman: AoE [A Sci-Fantasy Adventure/Comedy]

This stems from an idea I had in the days of the very first RPG makers. It was actually the first project I ever had a considerable amount of progress with. But, looking back, as I was just a kid at the time, it wasn't really near my current standards, and so I left it behind...

...Until the concept popped back into my mind randomly the other day...

Now, revamped and re-imagined, I've decided to make a side-project based on this old work of mine... *achem*


(Still working on a better subtitle...)


"The Legend of The Silver Star" is a rather obscure RPG series. Not the greatest games ever made, but definitely not the worst. Based in a science-fantasy setting, it tells the tale of a group of heroes who fight to keep evil extradimensional entities from taking over the world. Despite it not being very popular in the mainstream, the game has gained a cult following of devoted fans.

Though a small number of people find this little game to be of no importance to many on one side of the screen...

...On the other, it's a completely different story.

Inside the game, the characters live and breathe just like we do, and, when no one is playing, an unseen battle rages behind the scenes.

Recently, the Heroes have been battling the evil Yotengo Corporation on their own for quite some time now, as they threaten to dominate the world of the entire game. However, the greedy corporation, which is actually a front for an evil extradimensional entity called the "Dark Master", has put up a benevolent front before the good citizens of the Silver Star, and claim to be aiding in the battle. They come before the king and claim that the game's heroes are not powerful enough to beat the evil forces threatening the world, and gain his approval to create the Questmen, an army of androids designed to replace the heroes, which was really an effort to get the 'good guys' out of the way so that they can carry out their insidious plot without interruption.

The Questman project turned out to be a colossal failure, and the androids were thus banished to the forests, where they became common "minion" enemies in the game. Many of them were destroyed by the heroes, or fell victim to cruel fate.

Eventually, all of the questmen were gone except for one, who hung out with other minions until one day, he grew sick of being insignificant and decided to do something about it. Rather than die like his brethren, he decided to become a "boss" in the game by going to the Master of Games himself, the supreme entity that is responsible for the continued existence of the Silver Star world, and requesting a boss crest, which will make him powerful enough to become a worthy opponent of the heroes...

...However, once Yotengo hears of this, they set out to stop the last Questman in whatever way they can, as his ascension to a position of boss will threaten the very fabric of the game's existance, and will uncover a hidden secret that would even spell doom for the world outside of the game!


Info Coming Soon!

I'm still working on refining it. What do you think so far?

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