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Question about: Low-Bit Operators (and some...)

Hello there fellows.
Ive been a while in scripting now. But there are still some operators wich I don;t use, thus don't understand. It is about:
>> (transfer bits to the right)
<< (transfer bits to the left)
<=> (compares right?)

Oh.. well. What are they used for?

(and if you got spare time. I always mess up with blocks | each. example:

.each {block|each} or .sub!(regexpcode) {things to do?})
first, >>> and <<< doesn't exist (unless I'm mistaken)

about << and >>, it depends with what object you use them

array << value is similar to array.push(value)

<< is also used to reformate dates

you can also use it to store values in IO objects.

works also with strings : string = "hello"
string << " world"

p string # "hello world"

and for <=> generally means 'compare' but again, it all depends with what objects you use it.

[1, 2, 3] <=> [2, 6, 7] # [2]

Numberic <=> Numeric # returns -1, 0 or 1 depending if the number is greater of smaller.

I suggest you look at reference book to know more since there'd be a lot to list

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