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Question about a pic

Yep, but the number of frames for the animation will decrease to 4..
(i think the original number of frames there is more than 15!)
(you can use a script though, SephirothSpawn's Quick animations, you can keep the original number of frames)
There's an actual script that can increase frame numbers for specific charactersets. Like say' this thing is 20 frames, you can have its characterset at 20 frames while all the others stay at 4 frames...Though I think thats one of the lost scripts though becuase I can't seem to find it for the life of me .

to answer your question I'd say yes. Just load it into an animation program and chop out the desired frames. Once you find the script (wherever the hell it is) you should be allright I think.
thanks but i guess I sould have it were you can select the star and a flat map pops up displaying the planet's geographical reagions.
The site I got it from is Demonweb witch can be linked from 7th Sanctum's site.
Well the ting is the planet selection map will have up to 13 planets, and once you select a planet it will have a pop-up that'll show the animated planet.

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