Quest Book
Version: 1.2
This is a fairly heavy quest book which provides an overview over a number of quests represented by pictures. Each of the quests can be selected and a window with quest specific details will be shown. (The pictures are 80x80)
Quests can have any number of parts. (Only the text for the current part is shown)
The quest book can be applied to a game in progress since whether quests are solved or not depends on variables, switches or a combination of them.
Solved quests kept and can be shown.
The opacity of background of the quest book can be changed and a picture can be shown behind it accordingly to a variable.
QuestBook version 1.2 (rar)
I really suggest the demo rather than the script since it also contains example pictures.
I have included them for people who just want to take a look at the script.
Quest Book Script
Here is the example usage of the script used in the demo: (I would suggest placing it in a different section)
Insert the script just above main. (Like so many other scripts)
Insert just below the script a new section. This section will be were you configure the script. Create quests and such.
I will try an experiment here. Instead of written a big wall of text explaining everything I want to know where my explanation should be in-depth and where it should be more shallow. I.e. where should I focus.
Please look at the example usage of the script.
What is for you the most confusing parts?
Will you be able to modify the quests?
Will you be able to add another quest?
Will you be able to add/remove a quest part?
Is it clear how the Quest_Criteria works?
Do you understand the top part where you configure the background?
How do you add/remove another background picture?
How do you change the opacity of the quest book? The path?
Can you figure out how to modify, add and remove the actual picture files? (You should probably download the demo for this)
This is a case of help me become better at helping you. I am sorry for the inconvenience.
Credits and Thanks
Credits goes to Zeriab
Special thanks goes to Indinera who requested the script for the game Laxius Force
I would like to thank everyone using their time to try and use my system.
I would like to thank everyone reading this topic.
Terms and Conditions
Author's Notes
This script were designed for a game so the visualization is very fixed.
I would be delighted if you report any bug, errors or issues you find.
In fact I would be delighted if you took the time and replied even if you have nothing to report.
Suggestions are more than welcome
And finally: ENJOY!
- Zeriab
Version: 1.2
This is a fairly heavy quest book which provides an overview over a number of quests represented by pictures. Each of the quests can be selected and a window with quest specific details will be shown. (The pictures are 80x80)
Quests can have any number of parts. (Only the text for the current part is shown)
The quest book can be applied to a game in progress since whether quests are solved or not depends on variables, switches or a combination of them.
Solved quests kept and can be shown.
The opacity of background of the quest book can be changed and a picture can be shown behind it accordingly to a variable.

QuestBook version 1.2 (rar)
I really suggest the demo rather than the script since it also contains example pictures.
I have included them for people who just want to take a look at the script.
Quest Book Script
Here is the example usage of the script used in the demo: (I would suggest placing it in a different section)
Insert the script just above main. (Like so many other scripts)
Insert just below the script a new section. This section will be were you configure the script. Create quests and such.
I will try an experiment here. Instead of written a big wall of text explaining everything I want to know where my explanation should be in-depth and where it should be more shallow. I.e. where should I focus.
Please look at the example usage of the script.
What is for you the most confusing parts?
Will you be able to modify the quests?
Will you be able to add another quest?
Will you be able to add/remove a quest part?
Is it clear how the Quest_Criteria works?
Do you understand the top part where you configure the background?
How do you add/remove another background picture?
How do you change the opacity of the quest book? The path?
Can you figure out how to modify, add and remove the actual picture files? (You should probably download the demo for this)
This is a case of help me become better at helping you. I am sorry for the inconvenience.
At the bottom of the script (Binding to Scene_Load section in the demo) you find this code
The idea with that snippet is to call a method when you load a save. It is used to preserve consistency in the quest book
Note only do this if there is a problem with the snippet. (You can try putting a " p 'test' " in the reset method in Game_Quests if you want to test that it is called when you load a game)
# ** Scene_Load
# Aliases and uses the on_decision method to reset $game_quests on the proper
# time.
class Scene_Load < Scene_File
# Check if the alias already exists (To avoid F12 errors)
unless self.method_defined?(:zeriab_questbook_scene_load_on_decision)
alias zeriab_questbook_scene_load_on_decision :on_decision
def on_decision(*args)
# Call the original method
# Check if the scene has changed
unless $scene == self
# Reset quest data
The idea with that snippet is to call a method when you load a save. It is used to preserve consistency in the quest book
Note only do this if there is a problem with the snippet. (You can try putting a " p 'test' " in the reset method in Game_Quests if you want to test that it is called when you load a game)
Credits and Thanks
Credits goes to Zeriab
Special thanks goes to Indinera who requested the script for the game Laxius Force
I would like to thank everyone using their time to try and use my system.
I would like to thank everyone reading this topic.
Terms and Conditions
Copyright (C) 2007 Zeriab
This script is free to use under the condition of Zeriab being credited. (Commercial and non-commercial projects alike)
This script can be freely changed and distributed under the condition of the original author remains in the script.
Verbatim copies of this topic can be freely distributed
This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
This script is free to use under the condition of Zeriab being credited. (Commercial and non-commercial projects alike)
This script can be freely changed and distributed under the condition of the original author remains in the script.
Verbatim copies of this topic can be freely distributed
This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Author's Notes
This script were designed for a game so the visualization is very fixed.
I would be delighted if you report any bug, errors or issues you find.
In fact I would be delighted if you took the time and replied even if you have nothing to report.
Suggestions are more than welcome
And finally: ENJOY!
- Zeriab