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Quest 64 System

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In Quest 64, the Level-up System was quite interesting. Anyway, I was hoping that someone knew how to remake that as an RMXP script.

What I mean is, for example, the more damage a character took, the more HP exp they would get. The faster they finished a battle, the more Strength exp they would get. Depending on the number of enemy attacks that missed, the character would gain Agility and Evasion exp. Depending on the number of the characters attacks that hit, that character would gain Dexterity exp. The more SP the character used, the more SP and ntelligence exp they would get. All of those would be invisible numbers, and any stats that leveled up would increase by 5.

Finally, whenever a character used a spell of a certain element, that element would gain a small amount of exp. Enough exp in an element would, of course, trigger a level-up in that element. There would be a set maximum level for each element (In Quest 64 it was 50), and after a set number of level-ups in an element, the character would gain a spell related to that element.
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