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Quarterman Template, Round Two (WIP)

Hey peoples, I had this up awhile ago, this sort of template I was doing.  Well, I picked it up again, and continued with it.  Somewhere in this forum is a thread that was a few pages long, but I figured so much time has past, and it's not what it used to be, why not just make a new thread without bumping a 3 page thread that hasn't been touched since February 8th, 2008.  So, here we go...

Original version, 4 directional idles:
http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g147/ ... ctions.png[/imgzoom]
The side view's are the new ones, the front/back were done long ago.

Previous (updated September 26th 2008)
http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g147/ ... wfront.png[/imgzoom]

Current Update: October 4th, 2008
http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g147/ ... tions4.png[/imgzoom]
Some work on the front view legs again, back legs and buttocks, side view slight changes

Also, because I'm proud of the advancements that the template has made, here's a little "evolution train" of the creation process:
http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g147/ ... tion-1.png[/imgzoom]
God that thing was ugly :x

So feedback, please - and if your only feedback is about the perspective: let's just pretend I'm working purposely for that perspective.
That chain is hilarious! Like Darwin's chart, innit? Heh.

The template is very good right now. The one problem is the side view heads. They look to square and thin, really. Rounden them and widen them a bit.
The legs have a two pixel gap between them.
I, for whatever reason, in my ultimate and destructive wisdom, made this an even count.  There's no middle line.  If you look at the earlier versions, you'll see the thick line down the middle, that's the two outlines from both legs, touching.  Creates a bit of an ugly mark, since no where else does that occur.  Double lining can work, but not so much here, I'd think.

Like perspective, it's something I can't fix at this time.  He is cursed with a cowboy stance XD

The sideview head is extremely square.  I have a few versions of the sideview's head directly before making the above:
http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g147/ ... adshop.png[/imgzoom]
The shading on the earlier ones, ha I fell for the usual trap of trying to rotate the sprite AND light source, which was silly.
I'm never actually satisfied with the sideview head no matter what I do.  I think I'm gonna try once more on shaping.

Also, because I posted it elsewhere, here's one of my characters for my main project done on the front idle frame of the template
http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g147/ ... llands.png[/imgzoom]
http://www.fileden.com/files/2006/6/6/5 ... _round.png[/imgzoom]

Rounded head. :thumb: keep up the good work.

Lol you don't have to use it its just the flatness was bothering me.  :lol:

And on the armor I'd say desaturate it a tad bit.

No no just the lighting source is a tad bit off?  :huh:

I would round out the light at the top [[seeing as how the light is coming from that direction]] as well as in other places as it seems to be a tad bit flat looking. But thats my opinion. :tongue2:

Looks good so far nonetheless!
Yeah I don't mind at all. I was actually supposed to ask your permission before I modified it. D'oh! lol. My mistake.

But the collar bone is a tad bit wide for the angle [[but we're not going for perfect anatomy are we?]]. The torso looks alright its just either the shoulder is down a tad bit to much or something about the shoulder is bothering me. I'm not to sure though.

Looking good nonetheless! :thumb:

But if you are going for anatomy the pelvic [[I don't know the name]] the crotch is low. Generally on most normal humans the wrist extends to where the crotch ends.  Seeing that on yours means the butt is a tad bit low as well. Or just lengthen the arms its your call? I'd adjust the pelvis and but though on on all sides.

and more picky-ness. The feet.

The back view looks absolutely amazing! But the side view  and the angle on the front view are a tad bit off. Side view is way to square.

I'd say get rid of of the very last pixel on the bottom row of the side view one [[the left one since you can just flip it. and round off the top.

If it doesn't make sense then just forget it.

Lol these are small things that like I said clothing and such will cover.

Or you can PM me.
Don't worry I never mind when someone comes in and edits my stuff.
I actually enjoy seeing the edits they do, and how they try to make it work better.

I'm not thrilled with the feet on the side view, and I think I have a case of double blocking when I move bits and pieces.  I use MSPaint when spriting, so when I dupmove I tend to forget to remove or alter the left over pixels from before the move.  This is probably what happened with the foot - I probably dupemoved it over and forgot to erase a pixel, since the foreleg and backleg are different in shape, with the backleg having that last left pixel removed.
If that's what you meant?

My biggest problem with the front view is most generally the proportions and perspective.
The feet (and some other parts) don't match a single perspective with the rest, and none of that matches the standard 3/4 RPG point of view (though most templates don't either, so blah :tongue:)

I'm gonna have an update soon.  I've gotten lots of help today in the last few hours and after grabbing some breakfast I should be back haha.

Thanks for the help and pointers.
Black Jacket Medium":3byyqezi said:
I use MSPaint when spriting

Get graphics gale. Its a hell of a lot better than MS paint and it works with the near ability of photoshop. Only in Graphics Gale it allows you to rotate your sprites and they not get blurred as photoshop tends to do. Best thing about it is that its free! Its what alot of game makers use for sprites. So I'd invest in that. Its got layers and all that good stuff. :thumb: I have it but since I'm used to photoshop then I just stick with that. but when I need to start rotating things graphics gale gets it. :grin:

Either ways yeah anatomy and perspective are quite hard to get right. I struggle with those myself. Its why I haven't invested in tileset making as of yet.

But yes thats what I'm talking about. If you don't mind I'd like to edit this a tad bit. Under your consent though?

Or maybe not. I don't want to mess up the good thing you've already got going on here. Hah.

But yeah good work so far.

Look into graphics gale.


It'll seriously help you. The onion skin will also come in handy for when you start making walking and such. :]
I have both photoshop and graphics gale.
There's something about the limitations and simplicity of MSPaint I really enjoy.
I guess how there are programs that will help you and assist you in RGSS scripting, but "purists" still use simple text editor programs (notepad) or just go by freetype in the editor itself.
But when I do need to rotate, I do use Graphics Gale, though I'm more suited/used to Photoshop.  I still skew in MSPaint though (sometimes by hand :x) XD

And yeah, I don't mind people editing my deals.  I actually enjoy it - and would promote it (when easiest) for someone to lend help - sometimes a pictures worth more than a thousand words.
very nice! I see you've rounded out the heads yes?

And you got rid of my horrible nose bridge! Yay! :Thumb:

I haven't had time to play around with this yet.

The legs in general look a hell of a lot better mate!

Now of only you'd adjust the crotch area. Then you'd be set. :)


The arms took a major toll. :[ the lower forearm looks very funny looking to me?

Either that or this guy has three sets of arm muscles in the side view?

Or a severly broken wrist! XD
From the way that they are positioned it SEEMS as if it would be really good for a side-scroller... I dunno I'm not very good with these things though
Actually, yeah, this would be great for a side-scroller.  You might want to revist the side views a bit, though, as they still look kind of choppy.
Yeah the side view is still extremely choppy to say the least, and there's all sorts of things still wrong with all 4 directions.
A few problems pointed out by .:Makasu:.
I still have quite a long way to go with any of the directions before I'd be happy enough with them, but I do have some progress on the front legs:
http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g147/ ... wfront.png[/imgzoom]
A whole 20 seconds if that, but I think it looks better... even if it doesn't, posting something makes me motivated.

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