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Project None - last update 25th of July

this project has no title

Weapon by Ranks, they do not depend on the character's classes.Platform - RPG Maker VX

Latest Updates
  • Passive Skill Learning Script - unique!
  • axes and some staffs now teach skills, the only weapons that don't teach skills are: hammers and morning stars
  • story until the crystal tower is complete, there are some cuscenes inside, but they haven't been tested and finished...

This time you start with Lynna and Donovan, they are brother and sister and the protectors of their village.
Their job is to prevent monsters from invading the village.
You have your first battle with a ghost in which the skill and weapons systems are explained.
Back to your house, you go to sleep and in the following day Donovan says the Shopkeeper has a request
and you are introduced to the crafting system.
The shopkeeper needs a box of clovers - ingredient - to craft potions and so you cross the tunel and reach
Swompton. There, when you get the suplies, you'll be asked to protect the librarian while he searchs for a rare ingredient.
As a reward we takes yuo back to Eulul (your village).
And it goes on...

Background Story
Nothingness... Emptyness... vague words that decribe nothing.
Balance, an abstract form that exists in all of the universes.
But there is a special one, a different universe where Balance took a physical form. One universe that depends on this intemporal being. Humans inhabited this universe splited in 8 different worlds. So did monsters.
Chaos ruled across this land, no Order could be found. The universe of Balance lacked balance.
And so 8 humans were tested and chosen to become Gods, one for each world. "Not enough!" claimed Balance. And so Guardian Spirits were born, one per Land, several per World. And peace was kept, balance was restored.


Name: Lynna
Age: 21
Job: Magical Protector
Gender: Female
Observations: A young girl, with the brains of a dumb fish, hence
the blue hair, however, without explanation she knows her way into the magic arts.
World - Dual World
Special Ability: Still unkown

Name: Donovan
Age: 24
Job: Protector
Gender: Male
Observations: Lynna's older brother. Very aggresive despite his intelligence, his
ways to walk and dress, and the dark purple hair, make most people think he's gay.
World - Dual World
Special Ability: Still unkown

Name: Ciro
Age: 23
Job: Librarian
Gender: Male
Observations: Intelligent and quirky, he tends to overcritize people
and force himself to plots and parties. Therefore he's stuck
inside the magic library, walking nervously, waiting for
someone to come pick the magical items he keeps.
World - Dual World
Special Ability: Still unkown

Name: Trevet
Age: 26
Job: Ranger
Gender: Male
Observations: Excluded by the overall population who belive him to be insane, he lives alone
in the Spring Land west side using his special skills to survive.
World - World of Seasons
Special Ability: Feel Nature (and equivalent to earth). He has the power to feel changes in solid matter.

Name: Glenys
Age: 49
Gender: Female
Job: Messiah or Savior (which do you prefer?)
Observations: Since immemorial times that Glenys has used her special gift to heal
the overall population. Her gift prevents her from aging too, although she has lost her hair color...
Her village ALWAYS believes what she says.
World - World of Seasons
Special Ability: Special healing/time inverting magic.

Name: Crystal
Age: 29
Job: Ambassador
Gender: Female
Obs: At the service of Lord Nyxum, Crystal will try to make a trading agreement with Queen Adele, ruler of the Winter Land
Special Ability: Still unkown

to be added

Name: Zephyr
Age: 19
Job: Thief/Rogue
Gender: Female
Observations: Zephyr is kind of a mercenairy who works with Crystal, her past in still unknown.
Special Ability: Cross walls.

Name: Barak
Age: ??
Job: Bodyguard
Gender: Male
Obs: Barak has sworn to fulfil his duty of protecting Queen Adele with his life, and manages the security in Crystal tower.
Special Ability: Still unkown

Screen Shots


Skill learning system: equipment skills
Also: skill requirements and tagnote by queex.
Crafting system by cmpsr2000
Multi-slot by DerVVulfman
Some KGC scripts - thanks to Mr.Anonnymus for translating these
Neo Save system by Woratana
Battle system and target arrow by ã
One thing I have to say is that looks like an awesome, yet not overcomplicated battle system. Bravo.
Those maps are also quite nice. ;)



Your mapping is very good and the battle system looks cool too (is that your own battle system?), but you could tell a little bit more about the story.
What really bothers me is the background story. Why did you make a list?
I'd rather write a text than make this weird list. And yeah, you made mistakes like 'And it hoes on...' instead of 'goes on' or 'As a reward we takes yo' instead of 'he takes you' and some other mistakes. Now I'm gonna play that demo and I hope I'm gonna enjoy it :D


Yeah I know that I only critcized your presentation the critique on the game is coming soon...
Not sure if this is a bug, but if you go to the house in the bottom left corner then examine the vase straight ahead you gain a level every time you click it.

Edit: It gives you 100 EXP per click.
My bad...
Demo link corrected.
It's a leftover from trying to make a script working correctly... sry, it won't be in the next demo!
New demo today:
    - more story
    - skills for axes and staffs
    - some lesser bugs removed
    - background story intro

Have fun! And comment/post feedback...
@Angelic Kain
thanks, I'll change that now.
I should have done it sooner, but I was a bit tired...
I added the Passive Skill learning Script today. It's not fully tested, but it should be working fine.
Good news:  unique feature to the game, requires even more strategy
Bad news: you will have to restart because your game saves will not be qorking correctly..
More Good news: I think I won't be adding any more scripts to the game!, Which means Scrtipting is almost 100%! (Possible last script: one to show credits)

Have fun playing the new Demo!
Report bugs, please!

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