- #1

--- Game created by Jason and Tuna ---
Logo created by RadethDart

Story mode may or may not be added depending on the results of the contest (This is due to both time and event constraints), however, chances are, even if I don't receive a key, I'll end up purchasing one myself sometime in the near future, since I really like what Construct 2 is capable of. Enough of that though, here's the story, or as it's best labelled, the background story:
The GRID, it's the part of the internet where all data must pass in order to reach its destination, without it, people wouldn't be able to send files, images, or even chat to each other over long distances. Short story: It works.
However, due to the growth of the internet, people were sent there in order to keep check of data being sent back and forth, to make sure people weren't smuggling corrupt or harmful files around. Eventually, The GRID became a part of peoples lives, they were given jobs sorting through the data and making sure each piece would get where it needed to go, it helped everybody, it sped upload and download speeds to the highest they'd ever been, nothing could be better!
But then he came... Victor Irus, he loved the idea of The GRID, but maybe a little too much. He was the leader of a corporation called "The SP@M Corporation" (Singular Perpetual Automatic Messaging), this company needed the power of The GRID in order to survive, but their actions and ways of communicating were angering people and they demanded that it stopped.
A few years went by and The SP@M Corporation had been out of the spotlight for quite some time, people had forgotten about them, when all the time, Victor Irus was at his desk. He was furious, he thought it was unfair that people would treat his company that way, that they would rather see a company crumble than receive a few extra (Albeit unwanted) messages everyday, and it changed him. He developed a hatred of the people of The GRID, and decided right there, that he wanted it all for himself, that way he could control every piece of data and information on the internet, and could use it to send what he wants, where he wants.
Fast forward just one year later, and Victor Irus has created an army, and with it, he is fulfilling his dream. People are scared, they're already starting to leave and find residency somewhere else, somewhere safer, The GRID is falling, and Victor's power is increasing.
The GRID needs a hero...

In Survival mode, you will be thrown into a blank grid filled with three types of harmful enemies along with humans, these are cars, tanks and turrets. As the game goes on, the spawn times of these enemies increases, meaning it'll start off rather easy, but over time it's going to turn into hell, let's see just how many kills you can get before you die!

In Time Trial mode, you'll be pitted against a set amount of enemies: 1 turret, 2 tanks, and 2 cars, and your objective is to kill them as fast as you can... however, there's a catch, you only have a maximum of 5 minutes, so you better hurry up!

Project GRID will (Well, when it's done) have a variety of weapons for the player to use, in this section I'll go over each weapon to give you an idea as to what they do, I'll add new weapons to the list as they're added into the game:
Short-Burst Chaingun
This is your primary attack, it sounds more exciting than it actually is, but it's readily available from the start, with the exception of a slight cooldown after each burst. It's fast at shooting, and fires bullets in pairs. Each burst fires 10 bullets, which on their own, aren't too strong, but if aimed properly, it can take down an enemy car in just 2 bursts, provided each bullet hits.
Spawn time: NIL
Cooldown time: 1.5 seconds
Shots fired per burst: 10
Damage per bullet: 1
Additional ability: None.
This is the most common secondary attack, like all other secondary attack types, it must be picked up from around the level. Once the player has one in their inventory, they can drop it while driving, and it will do medium damage to anything that decides to drive over it, with the exception of Humans. If an enemy car or tank drives over a landmine, it will temporarily disable the enemy, giving you chance to fire off a few bursts from your Chaingun.
Spawn time: 15 seconds
Cooldown time: 2 seconds
Damage: 10
Additional ability: Temporarily disables enemy vehicles on contact
Plasma Burst
This is the strongest secondary attack in terms of enemies hit per attack, it spawns a turret on the top of your car, which spins round shooting off plasma bullets, causing average damage to any enemy it hits, it's basically like having an enemy turret on your car for a few seconds. As with the landmines, it can't hurt humans, but can deal damage to all other enemy types.
Spawn time: Random
Cooldown time: 2 seconds
Shots fired per burst: Too many.
Damage per bullet: 3
Additional ability: None.

There are three types of enemies in the game, as well as humans. Here you'll find details about each type of enemy:
Humans aren't a threat, infact, they're not technically an enemy... yet (New variants will eventually be added that have the power to... hurt you), although they're there, and anything or anyone you see must be killed. They'll run around the map doing their own thing, just sort of moving in random patterns, and once you drive closer to them, you'll scare them away, but you don't want to scare them, you want to kill them! Killing humans will give a nice satisfying blood splat, and killing tons of them at once feels so much better, not in a sick and twisted way, but in a way that, you know by killing them you're making The GRID a better place!
Speed: Slow
Weapon: None
Health: 1
Cars are the most common enemy type in Project GRID (Aside from Humans, but they don't count!) and can be a little troublesome, mainly because THEY WILL NOT LEAVE YOU ALONE! Victor Irus must have forgotten to install weapons onto these vehicles, since they'll follow you around, and crash into you causing damage, and when you have more than one following you, it can be tricky, since they'll be able to box you into a corner, and beat you into submission (Or in this case, game over) They're not very armoured, meaning they suffer from relatively low HP in comparison to tanks, however, never underestimate them!
Speed: Fast
Weapon: None (Or... itself)
Damage: 1
Health: 20
Tanks are the strongest enemy type in Project GRID in terms of damage per hit, you'll take quite a bit of damage if you're on the receiving end of a direct hit, and even though they don't move very fast, if you come into contact with one, you'll still take damage! A good tactic with these tanks is to stay your distance, and let them shoot at you, the reason being is that their shells aren't dead accurate if you're moving, meaning you can use them to your advantage if you have cars chasing you... then once you've let the tank take care of the cars (Don't forget to thank Mr. Tank!) you can open fire and slowly but surely take it down!
Speed: Very Slow
Weapon: Plasma Shell
Damage: 3
Health: 120
Turrets are the slowest enemy in the game, by this I mean... they don't move, they're turrets, why should they? However, don't assume they're just some silly enemy that will do you no harm, since they're the fastest attacking enemy, and they can deal some serious damage! They're constantly turning, and along with that, are shooting all the time, not to mention their bullets can hit anywhere on the map! You might be thinking "Dear god that sounds bad, how do I kill it?!", well, that's for you to find out, but here's a hint: They don't like bullets...
Speed: N/A (Immobile)
Weapon: Plasma Shell (Slightly weaker than tank shells)
Damage: 2
Health: 10

If you'd like to see more screenshots with more enemies or whatever, feel free to request and I'll add more, these are just from the current build of the game, which still only involves two cars and a tank (I took out the respawns as per Tuna' s request, since it made testing hard, lol...) Feel free to post your screenshots too! If it's good enough, you may win a special prize!



Click the link above to play the final build of the game. And don't forget to give feedback!
Alternatively, if you'd like to play an early demo to compare the two and see how far the game has come, please click the following link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/67653237/Projec ... index.html
Help support our project by placing this userbar in your signature, it'd be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Note for Wyatt: "I give permission for this game to be uploaded to an arcade at HBGames.org"