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Procrastination. If we're active in the HBGames.org forums, or any sort of social network, we know exactly what it means. It means studying the very few hours before the test. It means writing that mid-term paper at 3am. And suddenly, you wonder how all this came to be. All that time playing guitar, cooking, watching movies, etc... was it worth it?

How many times is it midnight and you've just recently started studying for a test? This is my current situation. I sort of forgot I had an Infectology test tomorrow. I'm studying as I write this.

But this made me wonder, has anyone shared a similar experience they'd like to share?



Lately I've gotten much more responsible, but I used to be a big procrastinator. I would justify it with "I do my best work when I'm in a blind panic and 2 hours away from a deadline :smug:"



I think it's just a process of maturing. But if you have to write your shit at 3am that means you are doing something terribly wrong, just unplug that computer and that tv.
my life
everything's happening okay except
i procrastination really takes over 100% of the time.
I start homework at 11 pm.
i do projects 2 days before they're due... and finish on the day they're due
i don't study and i don't cram
it's a habit, i guess.
I do occasionally do something productive in the procrastination, but usually I'll just fuck around till i can't anymore.

I do say that i do stuff eventually; i never leave unfinished assignments. just that i do these assignments at the last second.
twirly":3ne16q02 said:
I think it's just a process of maturing. But if you have to write your shit at 3am that means you are doing something terribly wrong, just unplug that computer and that tv.

Actually, that was more of an example per se. In my field of study, there's really not that many papers. It's more about tests and quizzes. I actually don't procrastinate that much. I study every single day. This test was a special occasion, more of a bad time management issue, though, seriously, I've been having two tests per week. It's been hard to hand out priorities.
You're lucky I even got around to posting in this thread. I'm normally a procrastinator in a big way, with a few exceptions. For example, I refuse to procrastinate while I'm at work, and I refuse to put something off when I know it will really hurt me somehow to do so.

As for things like studying for a test... Suffice to say, I've never actually pulled out a book or anything with the intent to use it to study. I always went through the book the requisite one time required to complete some nonsense assignment like finding and defining vocabulary terms, and then put it back away again. And then I would get the highest grade in the class on the test, despite not being Asian.

And this forum is a major force of procrastination in my life, to the point where I have to force myself off occasionally.

My favorite instance of procrastination was for this paper I did for a psychology 1 class, in college. The professor had told us about it a month before, and told us that we should start early, because putting it off to the last minute would net us a bad grade. I did it in about an hour's time the night before it was due, and I was the only person to get full marks on it. I think part of that is because the professor was also grading on formatting, and she had asked us to format it using a guide specific to psychology. And I'm very, very meticulous about stuff like that, so I wouldn't be surprised to find out that I had been the only person in the class to go through the guide and compare it with my paper to make sure that I had it 100% correct.
You know I'm actually procrastinating at this very moment.

When I really need to get something done, I turn off the internet. x_x

Uh yeah bye guys gotta get my demo done.


Awesome Bro

Procrastination, my good friend, how have you been?

Yeah my life is run by Procrastination, I put everything off until the last minute, and even then I'll put it off until the last second, I mean, I can TRY to do something as soon as it's given to me, like when I was in college, one time I said I'd do the work as soon as I got in, it was a 2 week assignment, when I got in, I worked for an hour straight with no distractions and had 4 pages done, then I lost all hope of ever finishing it, and decided to go out with my mates, kept saying through those next 2 weeks that "Ah I don't have much to do, it'll take me an hour to finish it", college started at 9am on that following Monday, I was awake at 4:30am still typing away, and only managed like another half a page because I was on MSN and these forums at the same time, I just couldn't be arsed, so by the end of it all, I ended up doing the work in lesson, ALT+TAB between my assignment and the work I was meant to be doing in lesson, but hey I still got it done, AND I hit every single criteria without even knowing.

I know procrastination is bad, but shit I do it all the time, and even though it means I'll be awake a few hours before something is meant to be done, doing it at the last minute, it's always worked out for me, and I've always managed to come out on top of it all by the end, lol.

Oh well, back to procrastinating... although I don't really have anything TO do.



Procrastination is the sound of responsibility as it jets by. I think we've all procrastinated. I waited until 3 days before my classroom management plan was due. I stayed up about 3 days straight (seriously, no sleeping no naps) to conquer it. It was 80 some odd pages of 10 font text. It was a bitch and a half to write, especially because I was trying to maintain a relationship with my then boyfriend (now husband), so took time out to call him but didn't want to sound like a tired dipshit. Was quite a juggling act. Oh, and that's on top of all the other classes I had going. I was taking 18 credits at the time.
I had to actually look the word up, but now that I know what you're talking about...

I guess i do procatariawhatever a lot by definition, however it's less of a 'guilty' prolaritiaringjunk than deciding what to do when. Just yesterday I had the choice between filling out some important papers for work, or play Fallout 3 with my girl... well, since the latter sounded much less boring, I did that of course, and guess what - papers still got done, because whenever I have to do them, I do them...

Therefore, here's my wrap-up of the whole thing: As you do what you have to do whenever you have to do it anyway, you can do what you whenever you want, unless you have to do something right now.

I gotta add that I never learned for class tests, exams or whatever, and never do my homework... so that leaves a much smaller window for propositiationstuff either way :biggrin:
I procrastinate a lot, but as long as I produce results, there isn't an issue with it. I've even told my professors that I procrastinate- However, I have to procrastinate on papers, as I produce the best results under high levels of stress and pressure (8 hours before class, really).

It's also really easy to procrastinate for me. If I'm up during the day, my girlfriend is there in the chat window- And if she's not there, I can just text her or call her. My brother is also usually in the other room, playing Zombies on Call of Duty, and is always happy to consume my time playing that- or LittleBigPlanet.

But, as long as I produce good results, meh.

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