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Procedural RTS thingy

Been feeling pretty crappy the last few days, plus did some other work, so I haven't got any more programming or prototyping done, but since this is a concept development thread, how about discussing some concepts!

Over the past week or two I have been thinking obout solidifying gameplay type ideas, and this is what I have so far:

This is pretty straight forward, there would be several scenarios, each broken up into several stages. I am not sure yet whether the stages will take place on different maps, or whether I will just have the player move along the same map, since there will be, theoretically, a very large possible size for maps. I am thinking I will probably use both, and just use a different one for different situations. I want to have a decent number of campaigns, some of which will probably serve as non-intrusive tutorials.

Custom Game
This will be where you basically just create a game and play! This will, of course, be available in both single player and multiplayer. You will be able to do things like pick settings for the map generator or pick a map you created using the editor. You will also be able to restrict things like ages, tech progressions, max population, starting resources, basically completely customize the way the game is played. These games would be set up generally to be played in one sitting, you know, how you would expect most things like this to be. You can expect the AI here to try to finish you off (Or ally with you to tie) as efficiently as possible. That doesn't necessarily mean they will try to rush you (Some AI types might) Just that they generally will not be interested in coexistence.

This mode, to me, would be the most interesting. You will be put in a randomly generated world, but it will be much larger. The emphasis will not be on winning a war, but on creating a good civilization. These will be set up to be played in multiple sit downs, because you will have such a large area to work with. Other civilizations will be present (if you choose) and it will be probably more realistic in the sense that they won't be interested in just trying to get rid of everyone else. This will mean that being peaceful with other civilizations will be more common, and will bring up things like opening trade routes with other civilizations. This doesn't mean that war won't happen, because as the game progresses there will be things happening that will create tension between civilizations, a civilization might start to feel too cramped, or multiple civilizations might be interested in the same source of some natural resource. Depending on the AI type for the civilization, they will generally try to work something out with the other civilizations. The fairness of a solution and how quick a solution was reached will affect those civilizations future actions in similar situations. In this way, alliances in this mode won't be just "Oh, I clicked the button that says I am allied, so they won't attack me, but once I am done with those other guys I will just attack them anyway." I am not sure if this mode will have any sort of end game or if it will just continue until you get bored and decide to start a new one. Oh yeah, and due to the fact that this mode would tend to be longer, there will probably not be multiplayer in this mode.
lol, thanks.

So for the people who are viewing the thread, but not responding, I am wondering if you are not replying because the concept oesn't interest you, or you just don't feel like replying, or because you think there's not much to comment on? I am thinking of making an IRC channel so I can get some live feedback on some of the ideas, butit wouldn't make sen if plague180 would be the only one there lol
i think this is cool but i really only want to look at the process/progress
also i think the last one really looks like grass.

That's fair enough. Maybe when I've got more done with the engine and stuff there will be more people interested in giving feedback on gameplay.
yeah well id give suggestions and hints and stuff, but im looking foward to see this evolve into your own formed idea, give it your best..
Heh, well what I am interested in is potential players giving feedback on what would make it the most fun for them. Obviously I am not taking everybody's suggestion and putting it in (Heh, especially since I get conflicting suggestions) but I just want to hear what people have to say on what would make this game more fun for them.

EDIT: As an example, I have gotten some suggestions on adding things that would make it more like a Starcraft or Command & Conquer type game, but as you can probably tell, I am trying to add more of a focus on development like Rise of Nations and Age of Empires. I want to hear from people that like both types, though, because I also don't want to alienate those players.
Ok, I've been kind of stalling on the programming part, so today I decided to do some more work on coming up with a unit style.

The front view swordsman and side view archer are pretty bad, I will probably re do those completely. I am kind of liking the side view swordsman, gunner and spearman, but what do you guys think?

2x zoom if your browser has a lame auto smooth zoom.
More than a month with no update! D:

Well, for now, I have some more units to look at:

In a short time, I should have a pretty substantial update on the design of the "Civilization" mode, and then a short time after that I should have some more info on the engine and I will start doing some more prototypes. Soon I will be moving this stuff to a project thread instead of a concept thread!

Thank you for viewing

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