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Procedural Generated Worlds - Concept (Project Procedural)

Project Procedural Version: 1.0.8 ALPHA
By: Luke Clark


Hello again!

I'm back to share the changes I've been making on and off for a bit now, I've made some awesome progress, going from a clunky slow loading system to a faster one. And now you have the ability to save your worlds, I plan on doing a lot of cool stuff with this, the oddest thing I've come across so far though. Is when I ported the script to VX Ace, I was assuming because everything was being programmed ground up. That it would run flawlessly in VXA, But for some reason, it was SUPER SLOW I was at a solid 8 FPS, so I'm not sure why VXA = 8 FPS and XP = 60, Will have to look into it. But I will stop rambling and present the updated Procedural System. (Which let me add can support thousands of blocks)

Okay so around half a month back I believe, I posted a tutorial work along thing on Save-Point.org, (I was desperate while the site was down) Any way, The purpose of the post was to teach myself how to make a randomly generated world like Minecraft, Terraria, Splunky, Etc. I've been working on it in XNA and its going good, but I thought Hmmmm, what if I could get it working just as fast in RMVX. So the idea was born and I've been working on it ever since. Sadly I hit a roadblock in the programming several times, IE RMVX doesn't support bitmap sizes larger than 640x480, so to counter that I decided to do a chunked version of the generated world that could be larger than the max size by utilizing multiple 640x480 Chunks, I got the chunks to work but the chunks do not carry drawing info from 1 chunk to the next to create the masked background I'd use for deciding where to generate blocks. SO Finally after some thinking today on my 1.5 hours of sleep, I figured out what I'm going to do, I will create a Table the size of the map, and assign each item as a block type, the blocks generation levels will be determined randomly by the system could make massive mountains, or valleys or canyons etc. So I will be posting my progress here, and maybe some info and the script im currently working on just incase anyone wants to collaborate and help (also to deal with the lag problem I was going to load the blocks only when the camera viewport holds them IE when out of ranged disposes of blocks to save memory, but the block type will still be in the array.)

So if you see anything you wanna get some input on feel free to do so and post it other wise this is just a workshop for me, once I'm finished I'll post the full script download and all.


  • Random Worlds
  • Saving Worlds
  • Loading Worlds
  • Support for Large Scale Maps(over original 640x480)
  • More to come...


Main Menu Showing New World and Load World Options

A newly generated Terrain! Using 32x32 Blocks, and a (2048x640) Block map.

Example of Lower Darkness Caves

Loading sequence now speeds up gen time and stops Script Hanging.

Very small amount of code and a super easy scene call.

Save Folders that hold world data including character data



I will be doing a video Demo soon.


Not Yet, I want it to be perfect!! :shades:

I'm looking forward to doing this!
Luke Clark -(PandoraShock/Azrith001)
You have a workaround for bitmap problem in RMVX. There is a bug when CREATING large image objects, it seems constructor for the object wasn't coded right. But RMVX has NO problems LOADING large images, so workaround this would be that you make a huge empty PNG image for the max size that you would make your dungeons and when the size goes over 640x480 you load that image and work with it. There is also a problem with that - performance loss, since loading a file that huge would take a second or two.

My suggestion would be that you switch to RPGVXAce since it has no problems creating large images, and also uses newer version of Ruby Engine. :)
BUMP~! I've updated it, and gotten a good solid FPS, Now added a Title To load or gen new worlds, new blocks, new cave writing. Reworked Gen System, Using masking to gen, and only drawing what the camera can see, successfully generated a 2048x480 World, in 16 seconds, With no lag during world tour. I'm sure will some tweeking I can easily do a 30,000x1000 Block world, will be adding Screen Shots soon! and update info!
Princess Amy":16kuvb6r said:
Hugely interested in this as I did my university project on the same thing. I look forward to hearing your updates.

Thanks! I'm super excited right now the things I see having problems are water/liquids not sure how to make finite/flowing water in ruby... Might need help. And then the sand/biomes. Also if anyone has any ideas for stuff to add I'd love to hear ideas, the game also needs a topic.
Hello guys, Just wanted to let you know I'm going to be releasing the source code for the Terrain Gen thing soon, I've made quite a few more updates. Just wanted to leave you with this:




Just a bit of thought (also, first post. Haaaaiiii~!), so bear with me here.

1) This is a terraria-like perspective. Totally not used to that viewpoint. Is there some kind of scripting thing that allows for jumping, or... ...is this just a concept that's yet to be translated into an actual project?

2) Are you intending to make a random-world generator, or a random-dungeon generator? Either way, this is STILL a good-looking basis - though I'd have to see the code to know for sure. Are you going by a predefined tileset, also?
a) If you're making a random world generator that's almost playable from the get-go, then you can easily generate things based on some manner of presets, by making the first layer water/land, the second layer all the shores and land features, and the third layer all the buildings/whatever-else.
b) Random dungeon generators usually have a "series of rooms" kind of thing going on. Random number for the number of rooms to generate, and just separate all the dungeon rooms, loot, and whatever else.

3) No script-sauce yet? Been a while since I've mucked with Ruby, but if there's anything I'd be willing to try, I'd LOVE to dip my hands into this project, to help expand it (maybe expand it to generate for XP, VX, and VXA). Giving RPG Maker a "Dark Cloud" feel to it sounds like an insane amount of fun, and I'm sure this script can bend that way with enough TLC. =3
Omio":2rpawl6z said:
Just a bit of thought (also, first post. Haaaaiiii~!), so bear with me here.

1) This is a terraria-like perspective. Totally not used to that viewpoint. Is there some kind of scripting thing that allows for jumping, or... ...is this just a concept that's yet to be translated into an actual project?

2) Are you intending to make a random-world generator, or a random-dungeon generator? Either way, this is STILL a good-looking basis - though I'd have to see the code to know for sure. Are you going by a predefined tileset, also?
a) If you're making a random world generator that's almost playable from the get-go, then you can easily generate things based on some manner of presets, by making the first layer water/land, the second layer all the shores and land features, and the third layer all the buildings/whatever-else.
b) Random dungeon generators usually have a "series of rooms" kind of thing going on. Random number for the number of rooms to generate, and just separate all the dungeon rooms, loot, and whatever else.

3) No script-sauce yet? Been a while since I've mucked with Ruby, but if there's anything I'd be willing to try, I'd LOVE to dip my hands into this project, to help expand it (maybe expand it to generate for XP, VX, and VXA). Giving RPG Maker a "Dark Cloud" feel to it sounds like an insane amount of fun, and I'm sure this script can bend that way with enough TLC. =3

Sorry for the super late reply!

Answers to your questions here:

1) This is a WIP for a base system that anyone can use, and yes it works on all rpg makers, I added in the character sprite a while back and right now he just kind of stands there, I was worried more about the camera than I was the player jumping, the tough part is converting just from viewing the world to actually walking around in it. and it will translate into something, not sure what yet :)

2) It is random, and yes to the dungeons, right now I have 1 Biome made (Grassland), It does not use tilesets, it uses a block setup with a built in API for both blocks and the generation for them.

IE: I have an .INI file set up where the user can alter or add blocks that could be randomly placed in the world:

as well as a .INI file for masking. Masking uses a predefined to search a small image file like so...

# Scan Mask for Array Data

def scan_mask(id)


  maskdata = WorldData::Masks[id]

  mask = maskdata[0]




  # Scan Mask for Data

  data = MaskData::Data[mask]


  # Check for Split?

if maskdata[2] == true

  total_split = data.frames

  rn = rand((total_split*100))

 # print total_split.to_s + " " + rn.to_s

  # Get Split and Make Random Selection

  for sec in 0...total_split

   # print sec.to_s

    if sec != total_split

    if rn.between?((sec*100), ((sec*100)+99))

      sx = sec*16

      sy = 0

     # print sx.to_s




    if rn.between?((sec*100), ((sec*100)+100))

      sx = sec*16

      sy = 0

      #print sx.to_s








  mxx = (data.width/total_split)

  mxy = 16


  mxx = data.width

  mxy = data.height



  # Get Data

  mx = Table.new(mxx, mxy)

 # my = []

  for x in 0...mxx

    for y in 0...mxy

    mc = data.dataTable[sx + x, sy + y]

    #print("X: #{sx}, Y: #{sy}, X: #{sx + x}, Y: #{sy + y} = " + mc.to_s)

   # print "mc: #{mc} C: #{c}"

    if mc == 1

    mx[x, y] = 0 if id == 0

    mx[x, y] = 1 if id == 1

    mx[x, y] = 2 if id == 2

    mx[x, y] = 1 if id == 3


    mx[x, y] = -1




return mx



Using this I scan the data I have from the mask set, which is comprised of an inf number of variants, it take an image like this:


and converting it into this:

0, 0=0

0, 1=0

0, 2=0

0, 3=0

0, 4=0

0, 5=0

0, 6=0

0, 7=0

0, 8=0

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1, 0=0

1, 1=0

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2, 0=0

2, 1=0

2, 2=0

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2, 7=1

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It scans the entire image searching for the color any instances of the color are marked as 1 else they are marked as 0. I used this method to speed up the generation time, before I had scanned the image every time I was placing blocks, which was memory and time consuming, this method allows you to pull data held in memory (about 10-20 kb) and place blocks based on it. All this data is pre-loaded at the title screen and optimizes the load/gen times.

3) The project has several scripts, in it, I am willing to share the file on dropbox maybe or something, I really would love to do this as a group project. So just hit me up for now, until I get the time to post a link as you can see Its hard to keep on here frequently.

Thank you for viewing

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