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I got the Materia script and the Final Fantasy VII menu script.
The thing is I have installed them correct but to call the Materia equip
screen I have to use this code $scene = Scene_MateriaEquip.new
in a call script command. The thing is I want to acces the materia from the menu.
How shall I do to make it work?:S
You need to change the class in the script editor called Scene_Menu
Here's a little tutorial on what you need to do.

1. Find the s1= s2= s3= etc near the top of the script. This is the initialization of the text that will be displayed in the menu. For example if you put s7="Materia" then "Materia" will be displayed in the menu.

2. Now you need to add the instance variable that you created to the menu. For example if you created s7="Materia" then add s7 to the list in the Command Window. It should read somthing like command_window=Window_Command(160, [s1,s2,s3,etc]). Just add your s7 to the array of s stuff. It should be located directly under step 1.

3. Now you need to call the script from the menu. Just scroll down until you see a case call and a bunch of when 0 blahblahblah when 1 blahblahblah when 2 blahblahblah. You need to create a new one. It is a little wierd but
s1 corresponds to the when 0 statement
s2 corresponds to the when 1 statement
s3 corresponds to the when 2 statement etc
So if you want to add a 7th item to the menu then you have to create a when 6 statment. So just type
when 7
$scene = Scene_MateriaEquip.new
It's that simple. You can also customize it by changing the color or the selectability, but just look at the other when statments and you should get the idea.

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