Kain Nobel
EDIT: I figured out what was going wrong... well kinda. It seems the problem was, I added my actors in an event using a script command instead of the normal event command to add actors to party.
But it does lead to another question that is bothering me (because I still don't know why it did it when I added them via script command and not change party command.)
Does anybody have any idea why it wacked out like that when I added actors via call script? I only need to know for future reference when I start making the CMS Scene_Party.
But it does lead to another question that is bothering me (because I still don't know why it did it when I added them via script command and not change party command.)
Does anybody have any idea why it wacked out like that when I added actors via call script? I only need to know for future reference when I start making the CMS Scene_Party.
I'm having a problem with my CMS drawing actor portraits. I didn't have this problem before tonight, because it was working fine earlier, but now for some reason it doesn't want to draw actor's face graphics. The method searches for the face via constant defined at the top of the script, and works with 1 actor but doesn't work when theres more than 1 actor to be shown (on Scene_Menu, works fine in Scene_Item) The code in question is this one (added to Window_Base).
http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd28 ... 1-face.png[/img]
It seems any time I want to call anything, such as actor.name, actor.character_name, etc, the error pops. I don't get why, everything worked fine when I went to work.
I even have it defined in the Window(s) that calls the actor, 'actor = $game_party.actors[ i ]' is written before the 'draw_actor_portrait(actor, x, y)' so I don't know what else is wrong (no, theres no space between the 'i' and the brackets, I just wrote it that way so the forum doesn't think I'm trying to do italics).
Anybody have an idea what I'm doing wrong?
http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd28 ... 1-face.png[/img]
def draw_actor_portrait(actor, x, y, width = 96, height = 96)
  # Determine CMS Portrait : String
  @type = CMS_Portrait_Type
  if @type == 'name'
   @type = 0
  elsif @type == 'character'
   @type = 1
  elsif @type == 'battler'
   @type = 2
  # Determine CMS Portrait : numeral
  case @type
  # 0: Search by Name
  when 0
   @portrait = actor.name
  # 1: Search by Character Graphic
  when 1
   @portrait = actor.character_name
  # 2: Search by Battler Graphic
  when 2
   @portrait = actor.battler_name
  # Else: Reset type to '0: Name'
   @type = 0
  # Determine CMS Portrait Extention
  @ext = CMS_Portrait_Ext
  if @ext != nil
   # Search for ext + filename based off type
   bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture(@portrait + @ext)
   # Search for filename based off actor name
   bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture(@portrait)
  # Fix if face file doesn't exist
  if FileTest.exist?(bitmap.to_s) != false
  # Create Cursor Rect
  src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, width, height)
  self.contents.blt(x, y, bitmap, src_rect)
 # * Fix Face (Rescue Method)
 def fix_face
  bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture("")
It seems any time I want to call anything, such as actor.name, actor.character_name, etc, the error pops. I don't get why, everything worked fine when I went to work.
I even have it defined in the Window(s) that calls the actor, 'actor = $game_party.actors[ i ]' is written before the 'draw_actor_portrait(actor, x, y)' so I don't know what else is wrong (no, theres no space between the 'i' and the brackets, I just wrote it that way so the forum doesn't think I'm trying to do italics).
Anybody have an idea what I'm doing wrong?