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priority zero events

Im getting angry at the part of the game Im at right now, cus I want to use something as an event but I want the character to be able to walk over it without the event's default priority screwing it up. I want to be able to walk over events like they're carpet, basically, either through a script call in the event or(prefferably) leaving a comment with "zero" in it or something.
I want the character to be able to walk over it without the event's default priority screwing it up.
IE, but an event down taller than a single frame with through on, then walk through it. It's not that complicated. If you couldnt understand that you probably couldnt help to begin with, so yeah please only post if you understand. Not really interested in more people spamming this thnx.
I was just trying to help. And my answer is correct. The problem was you didn't explain that the events were more then one square. So before you rant on about understanding maybe you should learn to be more specific in your posts.

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