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price so high!

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Dang it! :pissed: This is the price in Japanese Yen: 9800

This is how much it will be in USD: $102.43

DANG! SOOO HIGH!  :tongue:

And in Euro . . .

80.70588!  :tongue2:

how can we afford such HIGH prices?
it's like the only think a kid would get for his birthday for goodness sake!  :scream:

i know it's a great software . . . but the price is so high . . .

ENTERBRAIN =  :bunny:



That's the price everything was for the japanese versions if I remember correctly. Chances are the price'll drop to 60$ for the englsh version just like xp and vx did.

Also what does enterbrain being a rabbit have to do with anything?
This is a very poorly made topic. Next time put more effort into it.

a.) WTF are you talking about??? AGM???
b.) You're ignoring that the price point ALWAYS drops when converted to english.
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