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Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon: The RPG

Update time! Remember, you may have to hit refresh on the site to see the changes! Both portions of the website are now fully up to date, and two new character profiles have been added to the character section of the website! An original character, Rin Unmei, and the PGSM exclusive character, Mio Kuroki! Their wonderful character designs were provided by the new main artist, Meteja Strabi. You can click on any character art thumbnail to view the full picture. Look for more updates soon and let me know what you think!

Rin and Mio: (Click for larger view)

http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/6537/rinunmeifinalpk1.th.jpg[/img] http://www.pssm-rpg.com/chara/rin_sprite.gif[/img] http://www.pssm-rpg.com/chara/rin_idol_sprite.gif[/img]

http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/329/miopicwv4.th.jpg[/img] http://www.pssm-rpg.com/chara/mio_k_sprite.gif[/img] http://www.pssm-rpg.com/chara/mio1_sprite.gif[/img]

Official website:

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