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Press certains keys in limited time to do a skill - RTAB compatible

I managed to find the way to make this thing in events.
So anybody who's interested in creating a system like this contact me for PM or let's make a topic on it.

That's the script that i wanted however, it could anyways be cute having it on RTAB.


Exactly what i wrote in title... does anyone think that is possible to do it?
I'm talking about a script that allows some skill to be casted through a combination of keys... like you have 1 second to press up down right left, and if you do right you obtain the skill if you do wrong you fail it or you do with less power or miss... whatever the scripter prefers.
What's important is that i have to be able to change the time to input the keys for each skill, and wich keys must be pressed, of course.

Is this possible?
And could be anyone brave enough to try this on the RTAB?

Thanks a lot for the bravehearted that will try XD

Here's a script that makes that for normal battle system http://www.rmxp.org/forums/showthread.php?t=9137
really nobody thinks it could be of any use?

Sure it would, I have seen similar things requested alot, I have requested similar things myself. I guess the problem is, for a scripter to do it, he's do it as a public script, it is not an easy feat, and it would need to be both plug and play with the majority of battle systems and highly editable - both graphically and implementation wise to actually be of any really worth to the community. I guess that would take a top scripter here, and there aren't currently too many available that could do it real justice or that have the time to do that.

Personally, if I was using it, I'd want to be able to select exactly what skills and attacks etc. required it, what combinations would be needed, the time available for each input with an onscreen timer, have varying inputs for the attack option, dependant upon what weapon was equipped, with accessories that could slow down the timer etc. I would also imagine the transitions of the input commands should be quite editable, dependant upon the battle system and CBS layout the user is using. I guess that's alot of hard work.
But I too hope this is made thoroughly one day.
Well Calibre if you wish to have that system, i finally found the way!
And i find it with events man!
There was just ONE problem: when timer got to 00:00 the battle CLOSED by itself!!!!!!
But a good guy told me in the rgss support that there are two stupid lines that say
if $game_system.timer_working and $game_system.timer == 0
# Abort battle
$game_temp.battle_abort = false
I couldn't find this myself of course in the 3000 lines of the RTAB, but i suppose there is also in the BS standard!
So, after u solve this problem, actually is WAY EASY to make it with EVENTS!
It's so easy i'm ashamed of myself.
Do ya think i should make a demo of it? I think it would work on any system where there is this setting
if $game_system.timer_working and $game_system.timer == 0
# Abort battle
$game_temp.battle_abort = -->> FALSE <<

(i've put the --> just to highlight...)

The request it's solved but maybe we could talk a little about the system here so i ask to mods to not close the topic please... i'll change the first post.

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