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Press certains keys in limited time to do a skill - RTAB compatible

I managed to find the way to make this thing in events.
So anybody who's interested in creating a system like this contact me for PM or let's make a topic on it.

That's the script that i wanted however, it could anyways be cute having it on RTAB.


Exactly what i wrote in title... does anyone think that is possible to do it?
I'm talking about a script that allows some skill to be casted through a combination of keys... like you have 1 second to press up down right left, and if you do right you obtain the skill if you do wrong you fail it or you do with less power or miss... whatever the scripter prefers.
What's important is that i have to be able to change the time to input the keys for each skill, and wich keys must be pressed, of course.

Is this possible?
And could be anyone brave enough to try this on the RTAB?

Thanks a lot for the bravehearted that will try XD

Here's a script that makes that for normal battle system http://www.rmxp.org/forums/showthread.php?t=9137
Possible for an CTB system... easy enough, as Cygnea did post the BLITZ script that works for the default battlesystem

For an ATB system like Cogwheel's RTAB or Trickster's ATB+CTB... not unless the coder sets about and 'FREEZES' the actions of the enemies and all other actors while IN the BLITZ-ButtonPress screen. You wouldn't want an enemy to attack while you're pressing your combination... unless you wanna 'FAILED TO CAST' message pop up.
No it's like you say, i prefer that everything freezes until you complete the casting... like... you know auron's turbo in ffx? Or sabin blitz tecnique...
And for what happens if you digit wrong, i let the scripter to choose what he prefers, the easiest thing for him i don't want to make people work too much (it's already an hard task...)
Uh i'm referring of course to Cogwheel's RTAB, the one you know very well ^^

Thanks if you will help, this would make a revolution of all the BS of my game. (player would be mucchhhh more active, wouldn't? :D <- hey what an ugly emoticon, who made this????)
Hahah... funny guy, T!

Don't get me wrong. I like the idea behind a BLITZ skill system for RTAB. Somehow I think everyone thinks that 'I' made RTAB and not Cogwheel. Oh.... yeah.... Minkoff had the same problem when HE released Animated Battlers with RTAB over a year or so ago.

I can't say that I'll get to it. I have another EIGHT projected scripts to tweak, fix and re-edit (thanks heaps guys for these requests...), as well as the Forum Script Listings. Nice to be popular.

*Shouts in General* C'mon guys! Learn the RTAB system! Don't just rely on one guy... um... two guys... (*thinks*... and Cal...)... THREE guys to write RTAB scripts! Better yet... make 'em cross-platform (RTAB and Default combined into one)!
Hey I know you didn't make the RTAB, but u seem the only one that can understand a letter of it XD, that's why i asked... anyways if you think it's possible it's already something... i don't ask you to do it in 1 second... not even in 1 month... but if you have time, tell me okay? Thanks :)
TO make it compatible with RTAB, you have to rewrite the whole RTAB itself... Hmm.. Unless you just want the Animation System? I am using the default battle system and ANIMATED BATTLERS, which is developed further by DerVVulfman... FInd another battle system if you want to use Button Input Skills.... :)
REPLY WHILE AT WORK (12-Hr shifts galore):

No, it may not require a complete rewrite of the RTAB system. Remember that scripts like Animated Battlers and Seph's Skill Requirements (included in that demo I made) do not require any rewrites as long as the system can be done with ALIASes.

I'm just a person who prefers 'choices'... and cross-platforming for RTAB/Default/Trickster/Ccoa/ParaDog/XRXS systems (I leave anyone out?) is preferable than just for one system alone.
~Atlaswing~;117571 said:
TO make it compatible with RTAB, you have to rewrite the whole RTAB itself... Hmm.. Unless you just want the Animation System? I am using the default battle system and ANIMATED BATTLERS, which is developed further by DerVVulfman... FInd another battle system if you want to use Button Input Skills.... :)

Not really, RTAB is updated just like the DBS; it uses a variable to track what phase it's in and then updates that's phase. It wouldn't be too hard to just create another phase, phase7, and use it to handle the input. Just an idea, but I am sure it can be done fairly easily if you know RTAB.
Mike Portnoy;119109 said:
Mmmm i start to have some hope... but Anaryu i don't get it well, do you mean it can be created another phase withouth modifying RTAB script?

Sorry, no, I'm just saying it's possible with RTAB and that someone could do it without rewriting much of anything at all. I still wouldn't get my hopes too high on someone doing this, RTAB isn't used all that often anymore I think, and only a few scripters still try adding/modifying things.
Actually... now that i think the incompatibility of RTAB is caused by the missing of a... how to say... pause phase?
Like it always wants to go on with the battle, so every add-on that needs the battle to be stopped doesn't work... i'm not a script but i saw it on trying every add-on possible, and the problem was always of phases.
Oh, it has a pause phase just like Trickster's ATB+CTB. Just different. You can configure RTAB to pause if the actor command window pops up (so it's a full fledged CTB), pause during item/skill selection, pause if targetting, or just full fledged MAYHEM.

So for the RTAB variant, you want to ensure that the 'pause' feature of your system performs similar to the pause of the item/skill selection.

I dunno.

A bunch of us (including Trickster) had a discussion on how RTAB was able to branch out simultaneous actions at the same time and we stumbled on a section that did just that... then followed it up with the 'pause' controlling system. * Don't ask 'T' for help... he hates RTAB. Bad experience.

But how it actually get's turned on or off... takes a little more work (and I dunno how it's done). I figure there's a switch that's turned on/off based on a switch in the ATB_Setup section, and another switch that is turned on when the 'Command Window' is shown (or 'skill/item' or whatever). When their both on... all the AT gauges stop. That's when you want the BLITZ system to start working, and when it's done... it turns the switch back off. I guess if you study up on the system, you could figure it out.

First thing I did to start scripting was tearing apart (butchering) scripts. If you get this done.... great!!!

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