MysticTrunks":3pgmuzoe said:
All I know is Obama had to give up his US citizenship to go to school in another country, his father already said he's no longer an American. He wasn't even a Natural born citizen which means HE CAN'T BE PRESIDENT!
I replied to this kind of criticism last night but i'm too lazy to retype so i'll just paste:
<President_Wilkos> man fuck POLICE
<President_Wilkos> they shut down my building
<`M> :x?
<President_Wilkos> they told everyone to go home and shit
<President_Wilkos> faggots
<Dissonance> :x
<Dissonance> obama's police state begins
<Dissonance> tomorrow, you'll wake up to a red sky
<President_Wilkos> :O
<Dissonance> oil drums burning in the streets, wrecked cars
<Dissonance> buildings abandoned, people in them stripping them for copper, glass, plastics

<Dissonance> niggers busting into houses under orders from head chieftan obama to kill all white males on sight
<`M> :x
<Dissonance> grabbing white women and throwing them into the back of pickup trucks naked and screaming
<President_Wilkos> its fucked up cause all the cops were black
<President_Wilkos> i guess obama started early tonight
<Dissonance> the washington monument is covered in gang graffiti
<Dissonance> obama's in a lawn chair on the front lawn of the white house, wearing sunglasses and a hawaiian shirt
<Dissonance> sippin on a lemonade
<Dissonance> as palin, hillary, and mccain's wife all suck his dick
<President_Wilkos> :x
<Dissonance> the entire white house grounds stuffed to the brim with a massive orgy of random niggers fucking captured whites
<Zarikashi> Diss, wh-what will become of me? I'm white and black D:
<Zarikashi> Will I cease to exist?
<Dissonance> black stormtroopers march up and down the streets of every city in america, search for what tribal chieftan obama has called "Race Sensitives" - people able to detect changes in The Race (aka white people) and to either kill them or rape them depending on gender
<Dissonance> mulattos will be cut cleanly in half
<Zarikashi> But I just wish to live D:
<President_Wilkos> i need some new vsts

<Dissonance> most Race Sensitives will be killed in the purge but a few will escape into hiding and will continue to study and spread the holy ways of western culture superiority and christian righteousness.
<Dissonance> and in about 40 years
<Dissonance> obama's white son
<Dissonance> will return
<Dissonance> to redeem him...
<President_Wilkos> :x
<Dissonance> in an epic three-part trilogy!
<Dissonance> complete with action figures and other assorted merchandise
<President_Wilkos> im waiting for an obama made for tv movie
<President_Wilkos> starring denzel washington
* President_Wilkos is now known as goom
<Dissonance> denzel washington is too busy openly raping your sister on the streets of hollyood while chowin' down on a big ol' chikin leg.
<Zarikashi> What? A black movie with no Morgan Freeman?
<Zarikashi> How insulting
<goom> he could be the narrator
<Dissonance> morgan freeman is too busy watching your daughter bouncing up and down on his huge african dick
<goom> diss what the hell :x
<Dissonance> the only nigger to resist in the name of goodness will be samuel l jackson
<Dissonance> and he will be thrown off the top floor of the sears tower after an epic duel with Biden the Betrayer
<Dissonance> PS
<Dissonance> mcdonalds brought back the McRib today
<Dissonance> fuck obama.
<Dissonance> peace.