Dissonance":2eo75npf said:haha oh wow
Wolfgang":axba9mgh said:I won't point out the cause of this, but I'm sure we all know what it is.
For those who know little of the subject, I see how it'd be hard to come to terms with.
Wolfgang":9a1m4ian said:I won't point out the cause of this, but I'm sure we all know what it is.
I'm sorry but I'm going to have to report this post to a mod.Dissonance":34d6t6te said:Wolfgang":34d6t6te said:I won't point out the cause of this, but I'm sure we all know what it is.
Dissonance":2vss7mzc said:haha oh wow
And if you think Socialism isn't Communism. You clearly haven't done enough research.
StarGGundam2":1wcnco54 said:I don't like rules from big government that control my life.
Hey. Nice quoting my whole post and pointing out one part of it. I have a red gyarados trading card with a shiny holographic seal. Can I borrow your Sailor Moon Collection?MUAHAA THE FRENCH":3ft1ppgh said:you all have really stupid political opinions that don't reflect any sort of reality other than garbled popular misperceptions
no really
hey nice anime/japanese gaming culture reference in your post! maybe we can trade some pokemon cards while we talk about yaoi and economics.
every berries is the only person in this thread with any sort of connection to realistic political opinions. mukanshinblack do you have asperger's or something or are you just really dumb? are you seriously taking some paranoid ron paul survivalist moron's forum post in which he analyzes hand gestures as a serious reason to reconsider the way you voted?
are you aware that every single thing he lists as evidence of his hand movements is part of everyday effective public speaking? repeating phrases that are the cornerstone of a campaign message is brainwashing? really?