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President Obama used conversational hypnosis in his speeches

Link to a website that talks about this so you guys who don't know about this can look at.

In a nutshell, it's "conversational hypnosis". Hypnotists and magicians use it to "talk" to your unconscious mind to make you react in a certain way. It trigger a sort of trance state that isn't very deep like hypnosis.

Without even reading about this, if you watch closely to Obama's speeches, you'll see some strange things he does in his speeches. Repeating "now is the time" over and over and doing that handsign of two forefingers and his thumb are some examples. "Now is the time" could just be part of his speech, but to those who know about NLP could call it "pacing-and-leading". I'm not going to explain NLP much further, because this thread isn't about that.

An example of how to explain how NLP happens daily, would be... Whenever someone makes a mad face and raises his fist and runs at you, you'll only expect the worst. To you it may be logical why you'd think this, but as we were growing up, this only (if ever) happened in bad situations (real life and TV). If when this happened when you were a kid, the person who was running at you gave you $100, you may not expect the worst if it were to happen later on. You would recall the moment that someone ran to you angry but gave you money instead of a beating. This is an example of what our unconscious brain does, and how some people utilize NLP to manipulate other people.

Many experts watched Obama and saw him doing many NLP techniques such as 'pacing-and-leading' and 'anchoring'. If you wish to know further how Obama did this, please Google the rest yourself.

The topic at hand:
Many people see the usage of NLP as very deceitful and manipulative. Those who didn't know Obama used it, would you have still voted for him, and the ones who did know but still voted for him, why so? Or did you not vote for him because you read he used NLP?

I for one, voted for him because I wanted a democrat in office, not another republican. If I did know he used NLP before I voted, which I didn't know, I would have thought twice.

A lot of you guys are not being serious, and I did not post this as a joke or a conspiracy theory. I'm informing those who didn't know Obama used NLP techniques in his speeches. It's fine if you don't care but at least don't be ignorant to it. Also I wanted to see what your opinions would be, so opinions would be nice.
I'm sure that the majority of people voted for Obama because they liked his ideas and what he wanted to do. I believe that certain motions and actions can slightly change things, but not to the extent that millions more people would vote for him than McCain. You'd need a lot more than some actions and words used to supposedly trigger some part of your mind to get a reaction from a country-no, the entire world-like that.



Being someone involved with hypnosis and having a fascination of hypnosis, I understand the article and I quite believe it.

I was always suspicious why people were always so worshiping of Obama and treated him as the second Jesus, and get so emotional whenever questioned, but now it seems clear.

Problem is, the public is full of skeptics and ignoramuses.

edit to this day because I have nothing better to do :V :
Yeah, I`m just trolling you guys. Just thought I`d point that out to anyone searching the old posts.



Some of you are missing the point indeed.

You have to take the road less traveled before you can clearly see both sides of a story. Everyone is human, we all are susceptible to such tactics.

In someways I agree with the video, In others I don't. While history does repeat itself alot. And we are in an economic depression like Germany was before Hitler came to power

Hitler is about as far away to the other side as you can go, he didn't care about the environment, his main goal was conquest.

Obama would be much happier taking our rights to own weapons and protecting the animals than invading countries.

As for what lies ahead in our country, I believe it won't be solely up to Barack Obama. Just because he's the president, doesn't make him a dictator. He still has the House and Senate.

I personally still believe our country is ruled by a secret underground organization like in Metal Gear Solid's Patriots. Like the Skull and Crossbones



StarGGundam2":t5fdmc3q said:
I personally still believe our country is ruled by a secret underground organization like in Metal Gear Solid's Patriots. Like the Skull and Crossbones
Shh, we're not supposed to talk about it. Spy satellites watch each and every individual, lol

StarGGundam2":t5fdmc3q said:
Obama would be much happier taking our rights to own weapons and protecting the animals than invading countries.
Good point. And once researched, Obama does have a fairly good history. That does not defy the fact that he deceived his supporters with hypnosis and took advantage of the weak minded. Like Marack did to Kieth on Yugioh the abridged series.. In America!
@_@ I voted for the Libertarian guy
Am I immune to hypnosis?!
I'm going to go find Mordack the Amazing and test out this newfound power!!!!!!!



Venetia":3jyosdga said:
Am I immune to hypnosis?!
It means you have a strong will and use your own logic instead of following the crowd.
Though in the day and age we live in, that isn't too common :haha:
Pfft, it wasn't hypnosis, it was fucking Voodoo Magic

Tbh, all poloticians do this or something like (though I hazard to believe such a thing exists, and would even work - if it did work then Derren Brown or Paul McKenna would be supreme overlord of the world by now). If you watch any politician, like... Tony Blair for example, they will repeat words, use hand gestures, and whatever to get their point in people's heads. And that's all they're doing - the whole "change we need" campaign got that message into people's heads and that's what politics is all about, getting people to vote for you.

[/end rant that rambled into drivel again]



Lishy":6lx72j7f said:
It means you have a strong will and use your own logic instead of following the crowd.
Though in the day and age we live in, that isn't too common :haha:
less rpg explanations. if hypnosis doesn't work on you it just means you don't believe in hypnosis.

it's mostly placebo. if you think you can be hypnotized, you can be.

as for this entire thing, there's a difference between good speechwriting and intentional manipulation. whether or not Obama's speech patterns are similar to those used in this sort of technique, it's not like it would be intentional. don't insult him like that. he did not win the election by fucking hypnotizing people. in speeches, it's a fairly common thing to have one central phrase you keep returning to -- he's not doing anything unusual as far as speeches go. you look at a lot of other popular speeches under the same criteria, I'm sure they'd show similar results. if these techniques became popular in speechwriting owing somewhat to their powers of suggestion, then sure, that works. don't act like obama is some supervillain, though.

I mean as far as obamaconspiracies go this is just

pffff gosh I can't even

people really can't some up with anything better than that?

this totally didn't belong in the symposium. I know I use a lot of pretty words, but my reaction to this is basically just "haha oh wow" like everyone else.

muk, brotip: don't ever believe anything you read on the internet or see in youtube. the internet is full of dumbfucks who love to take a handful of facts and specious reasoning and make it mean whatever they want to.

I didn't just look around on the internet, see this and believe it on first read. Much before I read this I was reading up on NLP techniques and such to better understand it and hypnotism (watched a lot of Derren Brown). And later when I did read somewhere Obama used NLP, I read to find patterns and whatnot and it was pretty evident. NLP and hypnotism does not make you do something, but enforces a decision. If Obama truly did use NLP, it would have helped him win, not made him win.

This is opinionated and for I who know NLP techniques, it's pretty evident from watching many of Obama's (not that random youtube video I posted) videos that he was using NLP. For those who know little of the subject, I see how it'd be hard to come to terms with. I never for a second thought Obama won because of NLP, but because of this it helped him, surely. I don't know by how much though.



What you call NLP is generally known as oratory skills mixed-in with sophisms. It's a technique all politicians used; some are more successful with it than others (read: better at it), but everyone who has to make speeches through which they want to influence others will use such techniques, which are by no means malicious, to the extent that every politician uses them, though, like I said, to varying degrees of success.

Welcome to politics 101: how to give speeches that will confound and influence.



The irony of the video made me laugh so much :haha:
Thank you for posting the video, it made my day :biggrin:


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