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it's uh

pretty unimpressive

just a printer, a scanner, a cup, books, gum, and my video camera stuffed into a corner


also what's up with all this two monitor business??



hardwood floor? more like trapdoor under the desk leading to a secret dungeon

e; dang some of y'all are are cluttered, how do you focus like that? i get tritchy if i see any dust, much less anything else
Andrew Stroud":2v173r3a said:
um you forgot to mention the badass cat painting
it would be badass if it weren't for the fact that i blatantly ripped it off of deviantart for the sole intention of practicing with coloured pencil and then mom thought it was ***fantastic*** so she hung it up despite my objections

and also beneath the floor is where i hide the bodies so i'd appreciate it if we could keep that low key!!



Thank you. It's still growing, though. I still have to get mgs3, ico, the devil may cry games (willing to give them a second go), and the other ratchet games, and that's just for the ps2!


Awesome Bro

Yeah, I noticed you didn't have MGS3 lol, but to be fair, of all the MGS games, I think 4 is the best anyway.

And it's not fair, we didn't get RE: Chain of Memories over here (Kingdom Hearts obvs), or the Xenosaga games...

I'd love to play 'em but nooooo, EU isn't good enough! D:



Re: Chain of memories is just chain of memories on the KH1 engine. It was originally released in the KH2: Final Mix edition in Japan and it took the 3 years to bring it here. As for Xenosaga, they were good, but the last one (also the best one) felt disjointed story-wise because it was meant to be a 6 part series with the last 3 on the ps3, but less than stellar sales caused them to can that and scrunch everything in the third game.


Awesome Bro

Lol yeah I knew what RE: was, but still, it would've been nice to replay through Chain of Memories on the PS2 in 3D graphics, since I wasn't really a fan of the GBA, I mean sure I had one, I even bought the GBA SP afterwards, but if I had to choose between playing the game on GBA, or an upgraded version on a PS2, seriously, home console gaming beats portable gaming any day.



I got it more to collect than anything else, though. I mean you probably noticed, I have all 3 releases of Chrono Trigger, 2 of both FF 4 and 6, 2 Fables (original for xbox and TLC for PC), FF tactics for psx and psp, FF 1 and 2 for psp as well as origins for psx, and also god of war 1 and 2 as well as collection.

Not to mention 2 psx (big and small), 2 ps2 (big and small), gbc (w/ no games), gba and gbaSP, and a ds phat and lite.

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