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Welcome to HBGames, a leading amateur game development forum and Discord server. All are welcome, and amongst our ranks you will find experts in their field from all aspects of video game design and development.

Post your Sig/Avatar/Userbar

When the forums were down and there was that page showing so, there was an image (some people noticed that it died fairly quickly) of a kid crying next to the words "Cheer up, champ!".
I changed my avatar by shopping a hat on'em and here it is:
http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g147/ ... amatar.png[/img]
I changed it quickly enough because no one got the joke, and blah blah blah.

It was an avatar so I'm posting it anyway damn it!
And yes I know it's too big, I had shrinked it down after I put it on photobucket (to goof on), when I was using it, but I uploaded to .org not from a url when using the avatar so I don't have a properly sized one online so blah.
*Points at wonderful new avvy*

Well, it's the festive season but because I'm awkward I decided "screw santa hats" and decided to use Jesus instead Cheesy

He likes BLTs.

hahaha that is the best edit ever. Did you do it yourself or downloaded it from a site? I'm still giggling like a school girl in a sailor fuku with cat ears and a black cat tail , jumping up down in a mini skirt so you get very erotic thoughts. Now that's giggling and a half...

I got new sig now. Click about on it and see what happens.

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HBGames is a leading amateur video game development forum and Discord server open to all ability levels. Feel free to have a nosey around!


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